

词组 Uncle Sam
释义 Uncle Samn. phr.The nickname of the United States of America. 山姆大叔(美国的戏称)。◆ "Uncle Sam wants you!" is a common poster, encouraging young men and women to join the U. S. armed forces.“山姆大叔需要你!”是一种常见的海报,意在鼓励年轻人加入美国武装部队。◆ "I work for Uncle Sam," said John, "so every time I move, the government moves my entire household from one country to the next. I am in the diplomatic service, you see."“我是为山姆大叔工作的,”约翰说,“所以每次调动,政府都把我全家从一个国家迁至另一个国家。要知道,我是在外交部门供职的。”




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