

词组 is that so
释义 is that soinformal〖非正式〗1Oh, indeed? That's interesting. — Used in simple acceptance or reply. 是这样吗?真的吗?真有趣。——用以表示简单的认可或回答。◆ "The Republicans have pulled a trick at city hall. " "Is that so? "“共和党人在市政厅玩了一个花招。”“真的吗?”2Surely not? — Used in disbelief or sarcasm. 不会吧?——用以表示怀疑或讽刺。◆ "The moon is made of green cheese. " "Is that so? "“月亮是绿奶酪做的。”“不会吧?”◆ "I'm going to take your girlfriend to the dance," said Bob. "Oh, is that so!" said Dick. "Try it and you'll be sorry. "鲍勃说:“我打算带你的女朋友去跳舞。”迪克说:“哦,不会吧。试试看,你会后悔的。”




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