

词组 I don't care if I do! or I don't mind if I do!
释义 I don't care if I do! or I don't mind if I do!v. phr.informal Yes, please! 〖非正式〗好吧!也好!◆ "Would you care to have another drink?" the host asked Suzanne. "I don't care if I do," she answered flirtatiously.“要不要再来一杯?”主人问苏珊娜。“好吧,”她卖弄风情地回答说。◆ "Have some more cake, Steve!" his aunt encouraged the rare visitor. "I don't mind if I do," Steve said, holding out his plate.“再吃点蛋糕吧,史蒂夫!”他的姑妈鼓励他这位稀客说。“好吧,”史蒂夫一边说,一边把盘子伸了出去。




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