

词组 I couldn't care less
释义 I couldn't care lessv. phr.It really doesn't matter to me; I am entirely indifferent in the matter. 我一点也不在乎;我根本不放在心上。◆ "The Milky Way Galaxy will definitely collide with the Andromeda Galaxy in a billion year's time," the lecturer in astronomy said, trying to impress Miss Curtis. "That is interesting," the pretty young girl answered, "but I really couldn't care less. My problems are more immediate."“10亿年后,银河系将肯定与仙女座星系相撞,”天文学讲师说,努力想给柯蒂斯小姐留下深刻的印象。“这的确很有趣,”漂亮的年轻姑娘回答说,“但我真的一点也不在乎。我面临的问题更直接。”




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