

词组 hold one's own
释义 hold one's ownv. phr.To keep your position; avoid losing ground; keep your advantage, wealth, or condition without loss. 坚持自己的立场;不退让;保持自己的优势;维持原状;维持原有的健康状况。◆ Mr. Smith could not build up his business, but he held his own.史密斯先生无法扩展他的生意,但他维持了现状。◆ The team held its own after the first quarter.该队在第一节之后与对方打平。◆ Mary had a hard time after the operation, but soon she was holding her own.玛丽做过手术之后一度情况很糟,但很快她就稳住了病情。




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