

词组 dinkum
释义 dinkum /ˈdɪŋkəm/ˌfair ˈdinkum (AustralE, NZE, informal) 1. used to emphasize that sth is genuine or true, or to ask whether it is (强调或询问真实性)真的It’s a fair dinkum Aussie wedding.这是地道的澳大利亚婚礼。‘Burt’s just told me he’s packing up in a month.’ ‘Fair dinkum?’“伯特刚跟我说他会在一个月后卷铺盖走人。”“真的吗?”2. used to emphasize that behaviour is acceptable (强调行为可接受)还行They were asking a lot for the car, but fair dinkum considering how new it is.他们这辆车要价很高,但考虑到车子很新,还是可以接受的。




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