

词组 bricks
释义 bricks /brɪks/ SEE ALL
bricks and ˈmortara building, especially when you are thinking of it in connection with how much it cost to build or how much it is worth 房产A home isn’t just bricks and mortar.
We now need funding to turn the plans into bricks and mortar.
NOTE The modern way of doing business through the Internet as well as from buildings and shops can be referred to as clicks and mortar, where ‘clicks’ refers to the use of the mouse and the Internet. 通过因特网及在大楼和商店里进行的现代化的交易方式可以用 clicks and mortar 来表达。clicks (点击)指使用鼠标和因特网。
a few, two, etc. ˌbricks short of a ˈload ( a few, two, etc. ˌsandwiches short of a ˈpicnic) (informal) (of a person ) not very intelligent; slightly crazy 愚蠢;不很聪明If you ask me, I think he must be one or two sandwiches short of a picnic!
OPP all there NOTE The structure a few, two, etc.…short of a(n)… is often used to make new idioms, for example a few cards short of a deck, a few letters short of an alphabet. * a few, two, etc....short of a(n)... 这个结构常可用于构成新的习语,如 a few cards short of a deck 和 a few letters short of an alphabet。
make ˌbricks without ˈstraw (BrE) try to do a piece of work without the necessary materials, equipment or information 做无米之炊;在缺少必要的材料(或设备、信息)的条件下做某事I don’t know how you expect me to cook dinner when there’s hardly any food in the house. You can’t make bricks without straw, you know.
ORIGIN This is based on a story in the Bible. At that time, straw was an essential material for making bricks. 这个习语源于《圣经》中的一个故事。那时,草是制作砖块的主要材料。
like a ˌcat on hot ˈbricks (BrE) (NAmE , less frequent like a ˌcat on a hot tin ˈroof) (informal) very nervous 局促不安;如坐针毡;像热锅上的蚂蚁He’ll be like a cat on hot bricks till he gets his exam results.他在知道考试结果前会一直局促不安。be/come down on sb like a ton of ˈbricks (informal) criticize sb angrily because they have done sth wrong 严厉地指责某人;怒斥某人The first time I made a mistake, he came down on me like a ton of bricks.我第一次出错,他就对我大发雷霆。If I find anyone drunk in this factory I’ll be down on them like a ton of bricks.要是我发现任何人在厂里喝醉酒,我就对他不客气。




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