

词组 pipe
释义 pipe /paɪp/ SEE ALL
a ˈpipe dreama hope, belief, plan, etc. that will probably never come true 白日梦;幻想She’s got this pipe dream about being a pop star.
ORIGIN This expression refers to smoking the drug opium, which makes you sleep and gives you powerful dreams. 这个表达法原指吸鸦片烟后人昏昏欲睡,产生幻觉。
put ˈthat in your pipe and smoke it (informal) used after telling sb an unpleasant fact or truth, to say that they should accept it 你要面对(或接受)这个不愉快的现实;不管喜欢不喜欢都得接受I’m not giving you any more money to spend on that car. So put that in your pipe and smoke it!




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