

词组 help
释义 help /help/ SEE ALL
can’t help (doing) sthcan’t help but do sthnot be able to avoid or resist doing sth 忍不住做某事;不可避免某事A kleptomaniac is a person who can’t help stealing things.
‘I’m sorry, I can’t help it,’ she said, bursting into tears.
He’s a bit of a fool, but you can’t help but like him.
God/Heaven ˈhelp sb (spoken) used to say that you are afraid sb will be in danger or that sth bad will happen to them (表示担心某人将有危险或有难)老天保佑God help us if this doesn’t work.
(Some people find this use offensive. 有人认为这种用法含冒犯意。)
not if ˈI can help itused for saying you do not want sth to happen (表示不希望某事发生)我也没办法‘Your daughter told me that she wants to leave school when she’s 16.’ ‘Not if I can help it.’
“你女儿告诉我她 16 岁就要退学。”“我也没办法。”
so ˈhelp me (ˈGod)used when making a serious promise, threat, etc. (用于起誓或威胁等)天地良心,上帝作证I’ll catch the man who did this to my son, so help me God.
I’ll kill him, so help me.
NOTE In a court of law a witness swears to ‘tell the truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth, so help me God’. 在法庭上,证人须发誓“我说的是事实,全部事实,完全是事实。上帝作证。”
there’s no ˈhelp for it (especially BrE) it is not possible to avoid doing sth that may harm sb in some way 没办法;别无选择There’s no help for it. We shall have to call the police.
a ˈfat lot of good/help/use (spoken) not at all good/helpful/useful 一点好处也没有;毫无帮助;毫无用处A fat lot of use that would be! What a stupid idea.那一点儿用也没有!真是个馊主意。He was a fat lot of help, I must say!我不得不说,他可真是帮了倒忙!




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