cookie /ˈkʊki/► SEE ALLa/one smart cookiea tough customer/cookiethat’s the way the cookie crumbles●a/one smart ˈcookie (NAmE, informal) a clever person with good ideas机灵的人;智多星◆Jed is one smart cookie. I’m sure he’ll do the right thing.杰德是个智多星,我肯定他知道该做什么。●a tough ˈcustomer/ˈcookie (informal) a person who knows what they want and is not easily influenced by other people很有主见的人;不易受他人影响的人◆Self-confident, ambitious and positive, Paula is a tough cookie who is bound to do well.葆拉自信、有抱负、乐观,又有主心骨儿,她肯定会有所成就。●that’s the way the cookie ˈcrumbles ( that’s the way it ˈgoes) (informal) that is the situation and we cannot change it, so we must accept it情况就是这样;没有别的办法◆She met somebody else and left me. That’s the way the cookie crumbles, I suppose.她看上了别人,离开了我。我想这是没办法的事,由她去吧。