

词组 meet
释义 meet /miːt/ SEE ALL
meet the/your ˈeye(s)be seen 目之所见;映入眼帘A strange sight met our eyes.
meet sb’s ˈeyes ( meet sb’s ˈgaze, ˈlook, etc.) look straight at sb because you realize that they are looking at you 与某人目光相遇;迎着(或直视)某人的目光She was afraid to meet my eyes because she knew what I was thinking.
She met his gaze without flinching.
meet sb halfˈwayreach an agreement with sb by giving them part of what they want 和某人妥协;迁就;迎合I can’t agree to all your suggestions, but I am prepared to meet you halfway.
meet your ˈMaker (especially humorous) die 见上帝;死The car was out of control. There was nothing I could do except prepare to meet my maker!
ˌmeet your Waterˈloobe finally defeated 遭遇滑铁卢;终遭失败She can usually beat anyone at chess, but I think with Kathy she’s met her Waterloo.
ORIGIN This idiom refers to the Battle of Waterloo in 1815, in which Napoleon was finally defeated and taken prisoner. 这个习语源于 1815 年滑铁卢战役,当时拿破仑战败被俘。
make (both) ends ˈmeetearn enough to pay your living expenses 使收支相抵;足够维持生活Since I lost my job, I’m finding it harder to make ends meet.失业以后,我发现要维持生活更加困难了。find/meet your ˈmatch (in sb)meet sb who is as good at doing sth as you are, and perhaps better 遇到对手;棋逢敌手;旗鼓相当He thought he could beat anyone, but he’s finally found his match.他以为自己天下无敌,但是终于遇到了对手。As a saleswoman, she’s met her match in Lorna.作为销售员,她碰到了对手,这就是洛娜。I’m (very) pleased to ˈmeet you (formal) said when you are meeting sb for the first time, often as you shake hands (用于初次见面握手时)很高兴认识您‘John, this is Dr Savary.’ ‘I’m pleased to meet you.’“约翰,这是萨瓦里博士。”“很高兴认识您。”never the ˌtwain shall ˈmeet (saying) used to say that two things are so different that they cannot exist together (二者)截然不同,永远不可能合到一起,天悬地隔People in the area where I grew up were either landowners or farmers, and never the twain shall meet.在我长大的那个地方,人们要不就是地主要不就是农民,两种身份决不会集于一身。 NOTE Twain is an old word meaning ‘two’. * twain 是一个古词,意为“两个、两者”。




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