

词组 day
释义 day /deɪ/ SEE ALL
ˌall day and ˈevery daywithout change for a long period of time 每天都一样;一成不变I have to be active. I couldn’t just sit around all day and every day now I’ve retired.
all in a day’s ˈworkpart of your normal working life and not unusual (especially of events or activities that are considered difficult or unpleasant) 日常工作的一部分(尤指困难或令人不快的事件或活动);习以为常;不足为奇For a nurse, calming the fears of anxious relatives is all in a day’s work.
any day (now) (spoken) very soon 就在这一两天;很快The letter should arrive any day now.
ˈany day (of the week)used for showing that you prefer one thing or person to another 任何时候,在任何情况下(用于表示相比而言更喜欢另一个人或物)I’d rather have him than his brother any day of the week.
carry/win the ˈday (formal) win a contest, an argument, etc.; be successful 得胜;占上风;取得成功It was a difficult match, but the New Zealand team finally carried the day.
day after ˈdayfor many days, one after the other 日复一日;一天又一天Day after day, she came and waited in his office, until finally he agreed to see her.
day by ˈdayall the time; as the days pass 一天天;逐日Day by day she grew more confident about the job.
day ˌin, day ˈoutevery day for a long period of time 日复一日;天天不间断I drive to work day in, day out, and I’m getting tired of spending so much time travelling.
the day of ˈreckoning (formal) the time when good actions, successes, etc. or bad actions, failures, etc. will be made known and punished or rewarded 算账的日子;遭报应(或受到惩罚)的日子;有所补偿(或收获)的时刻Tomorrow is the day of reckoning; the accountant will tell me what my profits were and how much tax I’ll have to pay.
don’t give up the ˈday job (informal, humorous) used to tell sb that they should continue doing what they are used to, rather than trying sth new which they are likely to fail at 别放弃老本行(去尝试没有把握的新事物);别丢了看家本领So you want to be a writer? Well my advice is, don’t give up the day job.
from day ˈone (spoken) from the beginning 从一开始;从第一天起This arrangement has never worked from day one.
from day to ˈday1. with no thoughts or plans for the future 过一天算一天地They both live from day to day, looking after their sick daughter.
2. if a situation changes from day to day, it changes often 天天A baby’s need for food can vary from day to day.
from ˌone day to the ˈnextif a situation changes from one day to the next, it is uncertain and not likely to stay the same each day 从一天到下一天(表示不知未来如何);一天一个样In this job, I never know what to expect from one day to the next.
have had your/its ˈdayno longer be as successful, powerful, etc. as you once were/it once was 得意之时已过;风光不再;已过全盛时代He used to be one of the world’s top soccer players but now, I’m afraid, he’s had his day.
ˌif he’s, she’s, etc. a ˈday (informal) (used when talking about sb’s age) at least (用于谈及某人的年龄)至少She isn’t forty! She’s fifty-five if she’s a day!
in sb’s day/time1. when sb was most successful, famous, etc. 昔日盛时;在(某人的)鼎盛时期He had, in his day, been one of the greatest opera singers in the world.
2. at the time when sb was alive; when sb was young 某人在世的时期;某人年轻时;当年In my grandmother’s time, women were expected to stay at home and look after the children.
In my day, nobody would have spoken to the boss like that.
in ˈthis day and ageat the present time; nowadays 当代;当今;在今天这个时代It’s surprising, in this day and age, to discover that there are still many homes which do not have telephones.
make sb’s ˈday (informal) make sb very happy 使某人一天都非常快活Thanks for sending me those flowers. It really made my day!
make a ˈday of it (spoken) make a particular enjoyable activity last for a whole day instead of only part of it 好好玩它一整天Instead of going home when we’ve done our shopping, why don’t we make a day of it and stay in town for lunch?
not be sb’s ˈday (spoken) be a day when a lot of things go wrong for sb 是特别倒霉的一天;祸不单行First I tore my jacket, then my car broke down. This is definitely not my day!
ˈone dayat some time in the future or in the past 有朝一日;(过去)某一天One day I’d like to go to China.
One day we decided to go to the seaside.
ˈsome dayat a time in the future 将来有一天;总有一天Some day you’ll realize what good parents you have.
take it/things one ˌday at a ˈtime (spoken) not think about what will happen in the future 得过且过;做一天和尚撞一天钟;过一天算一天I don’t know if he’ll get better. We’re just taking things one day at a time.
ˈthat’ll be the day (spoken, ironic) used for saying that sth is unlikely 那样的事永远不可能;且等那么一天吧;哪有那样的事‘When I’m rich, I’ll buy you a new car.’ ‘That’ll be the day!’
to the ˈdayexactly 恰好;刚好;一天不差It’s ten years to the day since I first came to this town.
to this ˈdayup to now 直到如今;甚至现在To this day I have not been able to find out anything about who my real parents were.
a black ˈday (for sb)a day when sth sad, unpleasant or disastrous happens (to sb) 不吉利的日子;坏日子;倒霉的日子It was a black day for this area when the local steel factory closed down.当地钢铁厂关门的日子是该地区倒霉的日子。call it a ˈday (informal) decide to stop doing sth, especially sth you have been doing for a long time 结束一天的工作;到此为止;停止We’d painted half the room and were feeling a bit tired so we decided to call it a day.我们已经油漆了半间屋子,觉得有点累了,于是就结束了一天的工作。(as) clear as ˈdayeasy to see or understand; obvious 显而易见;一清二楚Although it’s written on the door as clear as day, people still don’t realize that this room is private.尽管门上写得一清二楚,但人们还是意识不到这是私人住所。in the ˌcold light of ˈdaywhen you have had time to think calmly about sth; in the morning when things are clearer 有时间冷静思考时;第二天早晨事情更明朗时In the cold light of day, the plans they’d made didn’t seem such a good idea.等冷静下来一想,他们的计划似乎不是个好主意。your good deed for the ˈdaya helpful, kind thing that you do (所做的)好事,有益的事Why don’t you do your good deed for the day and cook me dinner?干吗不做做好事帮我做晚餐?every dog has his/its ˈday (saying) (often used to encourage sb 常用于鼓励某人) everyone will, at some time in their life, be successful or lucky 人人皆有得意日They say every dog has its day, and mine is on Wednesday, when I will be interviewed for a television programme!都说人人皆有得意日,我的得意日是在周三,那天我就要接受电视采访了!till/to/until your ˌdying ˈdayfor as long as you live 有生之年;至死I swear I won’t forgive her to my dying day!我发誓我至死都不会原谅她!at the ˌend of the ˈday (BrE, spoken) when everything has been considered 追根究底;最终;总之At the end of the day, it’s your decision and nobody else’s.最终,这个决定还得由你自己来做,而不是别人。the evil ˈhour/ˈday/ˈmomentthe time when you have to do sth difficult or unpleasant 困难的时刻/日子;不愉快的时刻/日子I’d better go and see the dentist — I can’t put off the evil hour any longer.我最好还是去看看牙医吧,可不能再拖了。I worried for weeks about how I would tell him the bad news but eventually I couldn’t put off the evil day any longer.我犯愁了好几个星期不知道该怎么把这个坏消息告诉他,但终于不能再拖了。have a ˈfield dayenjoy a time of great excitement or activity 大干一场;痛痛快快地玩Whenever this novelist brings out a new book, the critics have a field day, and she is attacked from all sides.这位小说家每出一本新书,评论家们就会纷纷出动,从各个方面攻击她。When the royal family go skiing, press photographers have a field day.每当王室成员去滑雪,摄影记者们就会忙得不亦乐乎。 ORIGIN A field day was originally a military ceremony or exercise. * field day 原指军事庆典或演习。from that day/time ˈforth (literary) beginning on that day; from that time 从那天起;从那时起He never saw his mother again from that day forth.从那天起他就再没见过他母亲。a bad ˈhair day (spoken, humorous) a day when everything seems to go wrong 糟糕的一天;倒霉的一天Today is definitely a bad hair day — you know, one of those days when nothing gets done no matter how hard you try.今天的确是倒霉的一天 - 你要知道,碰到这种时候,再怎么努力也是白搭。What’s wrong — are you having a bad hair day?怎么了,今天不顺利吗? NOTE This expression refers to the fact that if you think your hair looks bad, you feel that you look unattractive and nothing in the day will go right for you. 这个表达法原指若某人认为自己的头发不好看,就会觉得自己没有魅力,一天都会不顺。 (as) happy as the day is ˈlong/as a ˈclam/as ˈLarry (informal) very happy 非常高兴;欣喜万分Grandpa’s as happy as a clam helping the children to fly their kites.爷爷帮着孩子们放风筝,乐不可支。ˌlate in the ˈday (disapproving) (do sth) later than you should 为时已晚;已失时机It’s a bit late in the day to tell me you can’t come. I’ve already bought the tickets.你现在跟我说不能去已经迟了,我已经买了票。(see) the light of ˈdaybe thought of or discovered by sb, or become known to a lot of people at a particular time 被考虑;被发现;问世;开始为公众所知It was then that the idea of a European parliament first saw the light of day.组建一个欧洲议会的想法就是在那时首次公开的。ˌlive to fight another ˈday (saying) used to say that although you have failed or had a bad experience, you will continue 改日再战;卷土重来She only just lost the election, so she lives to fight another day.她输掉了选举,但结果很接近,所以打算卷土重来。name the ˈdaychoose the date for a wedding 确定婚期They are engaged but they haven’t named the day yet.他们已经订婚,不过还没决定何时结婚。Have a nice ˈday! (spoken, especially NAmE) a friendly way of saying goodbye, especially to customers (尤用于与顾客道别时)再见;谢谢光临ˌnight and ˈdayˌday and ˈnightall the time; without stopping 夜以继日;日日夜夜;连续不断She worked night and day on the report until it was finished.她夜以继日地写报告,直到完成为止。the ˌorder of the ˈdaywhat is normally done, etc. or should be done in a particular situation; the usual attitudes, beliefs, etc. of a particular group of people (在特定场合中)通常会发生的事情;合时宜的事;流行的习惯或风格 Dinner jackets and evening dresses are the order of the day at these parties.在这些聚会上,通常都穿无尾礼服和晚礼服。pass the time of ˈday (with sb)greet sb and have a short conversation with them about things that are not very important (跟某人)打招呼,寒暄I don’t know any of the neighbours very well, only just enough to pass the the time of day.我和邻居们都不熟,只是见面时寒暄几句而已。(as) plain as a ˈpikestaff(as) plain as ˈday(as) plain as the nose on your ˈface (informal) easy to see or understand; obvious 一清二楚;一目了然;显而易见It’s as plain as a pikestaff; this government is ruining the economy.很显然,这个政府正在摧毁经济。You can’t miss the sign, it’s right there, as plain as the nose on your face.你不会错过指示牌的,就在那里,一眼就能看得见。the ˌpresent ˈdaymodern times; now 现在;如今These customs have continued right up to the present day.这些风俗一直保留到现在。Present-day attitudes to women are very different.如今对女性的态度大不相同了。save, keep, etc. it for a ˌrainy ˈday (informal) save money or things for a time in the future when you might need them 储备财物以备不时之需;未雨绸缪‘Don’t spend it all at once,’ his aunt said. ‘Save some of it for a rainy day.’“别把钱一下子花光了,”他姑妈说,“留点儿以后需要时用。”a red-ˈletter daya very special day which is remembered because sth important or good happened 值得纪念的日子;有特殊意义的一天Today was a red-letter day. We heard we had won a free trip to Japan.今天真是个值得纪念的好日子。我们听说我们赢得了免费去日本度假的机会。 ORIGIN Religious holidays and other important dates used to be printed in red on calendars. 日历往往将宗教节日和其他的重要日子印成红色。Rome wasn’t built in a ˈday (saying) it takes time, patience, and hard work to do a difficult or important job 罗马不是一天建成的;伟业非一日之功She asked me why the report wasn’t finished yet so I reminded her that Rome wasn’t built in a day.她问我报告怎么还没写好,我提醒她罗马也不是一天建成的。save the ˈday/situˈationdo sth that changes probable failure into success 挽回败局;扭转局面Jones saved the day for England with a last-minute goal.琼斯在最后一分钟踢进一球,使英格兰队反败为胜。not give sb the ˌtime of ˈdayrefuse to speak to sb because you do not like or respect them 不理睬某人;拒绝跟某人说话Since the success of her novel, people shake her hand who once wouldn’t have given her the time of day.自从她的小说获得了成功,那些以前不爱搭理她的人都来跟她握手。




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