

词组 days
释义 days /deɪz/ SEE ALL
your, its, etc. days are ˈnumberedsb has not long left to live; sth will not last much longer (人)死期不远了,在世的日子屈指可数了;(物)用不了多久了Now that we’re no longer getting any government support, the theatre’s days are numbered.
ˈone of these daysat some unspecified time in the future; before a long time has passed 不久;日内;总有一天It’s been nice talking to you. We must meet up again one of these days.
One of these fine days you’ll find that you have no friends left, and who’ll help you then?
(just) one of those ˈdaysa day on which unpleasant things happen 诸事不顺的日子;倒霉的日子It’s been one of those days. I lost my keys and then I fell over running for the bus.
ˈthese daysat the present time, as compared with an earlier time; nowadays (与过去作比较)如今,而今Divorce is getting more and more common these days.
ˈthose were the daysused for talking about a better or happier time in the past (指过去)那才是好时光,那才是好年头‘I got a job as soon as I graduated.’ ‘Ah, those were the days!’
have seen/known better ˈdaysbe in a worse condition than in the past 今不如昔;曾有过一段好日子That jacket of yours has seen better days — isn’t it time you bought a new one?你那件夹克衫可是有年头了,是不是该买件新的了?in all my born ˈdays (old-fashioned, informal) never in my life (especially used when referring to sth unpleasant) 生平,一生(从未)(尤指不愉快的事情)How dare you say that! I’ve never been spoken to like that in all my born days!你怎么敢这样说!我这辈子还没有人对我这么说过话!it’s early ˈdays (yet) (BrE) it is too soon to be certain about sth 作出结论还为时过早;时机未到The new store hasn’t had many customers though of course it’s early days yet.这家新店顾客不多,不过这只是时日未到而已。ˌend your ˈdays/ˈlife (in sth)spend the last part of your life in a particular state or place (在某种状态下或某处)度过余生He ended his days in poverty.他死前穷困潦倒。ˌhigh days and ˈholidaysfestivals and special occasions 节庆假日;特殊日子This 19th-century dish was traditionally made on high days and holidays, and is still often eaten at Christmas.这道菜是 19 世纪节庆假日的传统菜肴,至今在圣诞节人们还常吃。a ˌnine days’ ˈwondera person or thing that attracts a lot of attention, but only for a short time 昙花一现;轰动一时的人(或事物)The satellite that landed in their garden made the family a bit of a nine days’ wonder, but no one remembers their name now.这家人因卫星落在家中花园里而轰动一时,不过现在已没人记得他们的名字了。the ˈgood/ˈbad old daysan earlier period of time in your life or in history that is seen as better/worse than the present 往昔的好/苦日子That was in the bad old days of very high inflation.那是在极度通货膨胀的困难时期。your ˈsalad days (old-fashioned) the time when you are young and do not have much experience of life 年少不谙世事的岁月;少不更事的年岁Back in my salad days my friends and I used to go dancing every Saturday night.回想我那时,年少不更事,每个周六的晚上都和朋友们去跳舞。 ORIGIN This comes from Shakespeare’s play Antony and Cleopatra. 这个习语源于莎士比亚戏剧《安东尼与克莉奥佩特拉》。




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