

词组 way
释义 way /weɪ/ SEE ALL
across the ˈway (BrE also over the ˈway) on the other side of the street, etc. 在…对面Music blared from the open window of the house across the way.
ˌall the ˈway1. ( the ˌwhole ˈway) during the whole journey/period of time 一路上;自始至终She didn’t speak a word to me all the way back home.
2. completely; as much as it takes to achieve what you want 完全地;无保留地I’m fighting him all the way.
You can count on my support — I’m with you all the way.
(that’s/it’s) always the ˈway (spoken) used to say that things often happen in a particular way, especially when it is not convenient (表示经常如此,尤用于贬义)总是这样,老是‘I was already late, and then I got stuck in a traffic jam.’ ‘Yes, that’s always the way, isn’t it?’
any way you ˈslice it (NAmE, informal) however you choose to look at a situation 无论你如何看待Any way you slice it, consumers pay more for certain products in some countries than others.
be in a bad ˈwaybe very ill or in serious trouble 病情严重;情况危急He was attacked in the street last night and he’s in quite a bad way, I understand.
‘I hear the company’s in a bad way.’ ‘Yes, it’s lost a lot of money.’
be on the way ˈout/ˈinbe going out of/coming into fashion 即将过时/流行Short skirts are on the way out.
be (well) on the/your way to/towards sthbe about to achieve sth in the near future (usually sth good) 即将获得成功;接近目标We’re on the way towards an election victory.
He’s well on the way to establishing himself among the top ten players in the world.
ˈbe/be ˈborn/be ˈmade that way (of a person ) behave or do things in a particular manner because it is part of your character 天性如此;生来就这样It’s not his fault he’s so shy — he was born that way.
be under ˈwayhave started and be now progressing or taking place 已着手;在进行中A major search is under way to find the escaped prisoners.
Negotiations are under way to resolve the dispute.
by the ˈway ( by the ˈby/ˈbye less frequent ) (spoken) 1. used for introducing sth you have just thought of, which may or may not be connected to what has just been said 顺便提一下;捎带说一声;附带问一句I had a meeting with Graham at work today… by the way, I’ve invited him and his wife to lunch on Sunday.
2. used for saying that sth is not important in the present situation or discussion (用于引入次要话题)并不重要Her academic qualifications are by the by. What we need is someone dynamic and creative.
by way of sth1. (of a journey 旅程) passing through a place 路过;经过;经由They’re going to Poland by way of France and Germany.
2. as a kind of sth; as sth 作为;为了;当作What are you thinking of doing by way of a vacation this year?
The flowers are by way of a ‘thank-you’ for all her help.
come your ˈwayhappen to you or come into your possession, temporarily or permanently 意外落在…头上;永远变成…的财产Some good luck came his way.
When my grandmother dies, quite a lot of money will be coming my way.
do sth in a big/small ˈwaydo sth to a great/small extent; do sth on a large/small scale 大/小规模地做某事;大张旗鼓地/小打小闹地He’s got himself into debt in a big way.
She collects antiques in a small way.
do sth on/along the ˈway1. do sth as you go somewhere 顺路做某事Buy a burger and eat it on the way.
2. do sth while you do sth else; do sth during the process of doing sth else 与此同时I’ve succeeded in this business, and met a lot of nice people along the way.
ˈeither wayˌone way or the ˈotherused to say that it does not matter which one of two possibilities happens, is chosen or is true 两者都一样Was it his fault or not? Either way, an explanation is due.
We could meet today or tomorrow — I don’t mind one way or the other.
every ˈwhich way (informal) in all directions 四面八方;凌乱地Her hair tumbled every which way.
get in the ˈway (of sth)prevent sb from doing sth; prevent sth from happening 挡…的路;妨碍He wouldn’t allow emotions to get in the way of him doing his job.
get into/out of the way of sth/of doing sthbecome used to doing sth/lose the habit of doing sth 养成/改掉…的习惯The women had got into the way of going out for a walk every evening.
get sth out of the ˈwaydeal with a task or difficulty so that it is no longer a problem or worry 让…不再挡路;把…处理好I’m glad I’ve got that visit to the dentist out of the way.
get/have your (own) ˈway ( have it/things/everything (all) your (own) ˈway) get, believe or do what you want, usually in spite of the wishes or feelings of others 随心所欲;为所欲为She always gets her own way in the end.
All right, have it your own way — I’m tired of arguing.
give ˈwaybreak or fall down 断裂;倒塌;塌陷The bridge gave way under the weight of the lorry.
Her legs suddenly gave way and she fell to the floor.
give ˈway (to sb/sth)1. allow sb/sth to go first (给…)让路;让…先行Give way to traffic coming from the left.
2. feel and express a strong emotion, without trying to hide it or stop it 陷于(某种情绪);(情感)失去控制She refused to give way to despair.
3. allow sb to have what they want 屈服;让步;退让In arguments, I’m always the first to give way.
We must not give way to their demands.
OPP dig your heels in
4. be replaced by sth 被…代替The storm gave way to bright sunshine.
go all the ˈway (with sb) (informal) have full sexual intercourse with sb (与某人)发生性关系go a long/some way towards doing sthhelp very much/a little in achieving sth (对…)帮助很大/不大The new law goes a long way towards solving the problem.
go out of your ˈway (to do sth)make a special effort to do sth, usually to help or please sb 不嫌麻烦地;特地She went out of her way to cook a really nice meal.
go your own ˈwaydo what you want, especially against the advice of others 一意孤行;我行我素Teenagers always go their own way, and it’s no use trying to stop them.
go sb’s ˈway1. travel in the same direction as sb 与…同路I’m going your way. Do you want a lift?
2. (of events 事情) be favourable to sb 如某人所愿;对…有利Did you hear Alan got the job? It seems that things are going his way at last.
go the way of all ˈfleshdie or come to an end 走向人生终点;死Poor old Johnson has gone the way of all flesh, and the world is certainly a poorer place for it.
ORIGIN This expression is associated with the Bible. It was made famous by the book ‘The Way of All Flesh’ (1903) by Samuel Butler. 这个表达法与《圣经》有关,后因塞缪尔∙勃特勒所著的《众生之路》(1903年)而出名。
have a way of doing sthused to say that sb often does sth, or that sth often happens in a particular way, especially when it is out of your control …是常有的事(尤指人无法控制的事)He has a way of arriving when you’re least expecting him.
Long-distance relationships have a way of not working out.
have a way with sb/sthhave a special ability to deal with sb/sth 善于处理;有办法对付She’s a very good teacher. She has a way with children.
She’s got a way with words (= she is very good at expressing herself).
have your (wicked) ˈway with sb (old-fashioned, humorous) persuade sb to have sex with you 说服某人与自己发生性关系in a ˈwayin ˈone way ( in ˈsome ways) to a certain extent (but not completely) 在某种程度上(但不完全)In a way, living in the town is better than the country, because there’s much more to do.
In one way, I’m sorry we didn’t stay longer.
I agree with you in some ways.
in his, her, its, etc. (own) ˈwayin a manner that is appropriate to or typical of a person or thing but that may seem unusual to other people 以…特有的方式I think she does love you in her own way.
in the/sb’s ˈwaystopping sb from moving or doing sth 妨碍;挡着…的路You’ll have to move — you’re in my way.
I left them alone, as I felt I was in the way.
keep/stay out of sb’s ˈwayavoid sb 避开;躲开He’s got a lot of work to do at the moment, so if I were you I’d stay out of his way until he’s got it finished.
look the other ˈwayignore sb/sth deliberately 有意忽视;故意朝另一边看;佯作不知We only had three tickets but the woman at the door looked the other way and let all four of us in.
lose your ˈway1. become lost 迷路We lost our way in the dark.
2. forget or move away from the purpose or reason for sth 忘记宗旨;偏离原定目标(或意图)I feel that the project has lost its way.
a lot, not much, etc. in the way of stha lot, etc. of sth 大量;不多We don’t do a lot in the way of exercise.
Is there much in the way of nightlife around here?
make ˈway (for sb/sth)make enough space for sb/sth; allow sb/sth to pass (给…)让路,腾出地方(或位置)Could you move your books to make way for the food?
People made way for my wheelchair.
make your ˈway (to/towards sth)go (to/towards sth) 去;前往;前进Would passengers please make their way to gate 15 for the flight to Paris.
Don’t worry, we can make our own way to the airport (= get there without help, a ride, etc.).
make your ˈway in sthsucceed in sth, especially a job (尤指在工作中)获得成功She’s trying to make her way in the fashion business.
The time had come to leave home and start to make his way in the world.
ˌmy way or the ˈhighway (NAmE, informal) used to say that sb else has either to agree with your opinion or to leave 要么听我的,要么走人Right now there is only one rule here. It’s my way or the highway.
ˌno ˈway (informal) definitely not; never 不可能;决不;没门儿‘Are you going to stay at school after you’re 16?’ ‘No way. I want to get a job.’
No way am I going to speak to him again!
not stand in sb’s ˈwaynot try to stop sb from doing sth 不挡某人的路;不妨碍(或反对)某人做某事If you want to become a singer, we won’t stand in your way.
(in) ˌone way and/or aˈnother/the ˈotherin various different ways now considered together 不管怎样;考虑到各个方面;想方设法One way and another we had a very good time when we were students.
on your/the/its ˈway1. coming; going 即将去(或来);就要去(或来)If she phones again, tell her I’m on my way (= coming to see her).
I’d better be on my way soon (= leave soon).
2. during the journey 在路上;在途中I bought some bread on the way home.
3. (of a baby 婴儿) not yet born 尚未出生She’s got two children and another one on the way.
the ˌother way aˈround/ˈround1. in the opposite position, direction or order 颠倒过来;相反;反过来I think it should go on the other way round.
2. the opposite situation 相反的情况I didn’t leave you. It was the other way around (= you left me).
ˌout of the ˈway1. no longer stopping sb from moving or doing sth 不再挡路;不再碍事I moved my legs out of the way so that she could get past.
I didn’t say anything until Dad was out of the way.
2. finished; dealt with 结束;处理完Our region is poised for growth once the election is out of the way.
3. far from a town or city 远离城镇;偏远It’s a lovely place, but it’s a bit out of the way.
a little out-of-the-way place on the coast
4. used in negative sentences to mean ‘unusual’ (用于否定句)奇特,不寻常,罕见She had obviously noticed nothing out of the way.
ˌout of your ˈwaynot on the route that you planned to take 不在计划要走的路线上I’d love a ride home — if it’s not out of your way.
see your ˈway (ˈclear) to doing sthfind that it is possible or convenient to do sth 认为有可能做某事;方便做某事Could you see your way clear to lending me some money until next week?
see which way the ˈwind blowssee what most people think, or what is likely to happen before you decide how to act yourself (作决定或行事前)观望形势,看风向Most politicians are careful to see which way the wind’s blowing before they make up their minds.
ˌthat’s the ˈway (informal) used for showing pleasure or approval of what sb is doing or has done (表示赞同某人的做法)就是这样,这就对了That’s the way. Just keep playing like that and you’ll win.
that’s the way the cookie ˈcrumbles ( that’s the way it ˈgoes) (informal) that is the situation and we cannot change it, so we must accept it 情况就是这样;没有别的办法She met somebody else and left me. That’s the way the cookie crumbles, I suppose.
there’s more than ˈone way to skin a ˈcat (saying, humorous) there are many different ways to achieve sth 有多种办法做成某事;殊途同归;条条大路通罗马Have you thought about a different approach? There’s more than one way to skin a cat.
to ˈmy, ˈyour, etc. way of thinkingin my, etc. opinion 我认为;依某人之见To his way of thinking, mobile phones should be banned on public transport.
ˈway back (informal) a long time ago 很久以前We’ve known each other since way back.
I first met her way back in the fifties.
a/the/sb’s way of ˈlifethe typical pattern of behaviour of a person or group (个人或团体的)特有的行为方式,典型生活方式the British / rural / traditional way of life
the ˌway of the ˈworldwhat often happens; what is common 大多数人的行为方式;世道常情;事情发生的规律Marriages don’t always last for ever. That’s the way of the world, I’m afraid.
way to ˈgo! (NAmE, informal, spoken) used to tell sb that you are pleased about sth they have done 干得好Good work, guys! Way to go!
the way to sb’s ˈheartthe way to make sb like or love you 赢得某人喜爱的办法;攻心策The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach (= by giving him good food).
work, etc. your way through sthread or do sth from the beginning to the end of sth 从头到尾做He worked his way through the dictionary learning ten new words every day.
He’s eating his way through all the restaurants that are recommended in the Good Food Guide.
ˌwork your way through ˈcollege, etc.have a paid job while you are a student 勤工俭学;半工半读She had to work her way through law school.
ˌwork your way ˈupstart with a badly paid, unimportant job and work hard until you get a well-paid, important job 由底层员工做起;步步升高He’s worked his way up from an office junior to managing director.
clear the ˈway (for sth/for sth to happen)remove things that are stopping the progress or movement of sth 扫清道路;扫除障碍;开路The ruling could clear the way for extradition proceedings.这项裁决为引渡扫清了道路。(all) downˈhillˌdownhill all the ˈway (informal) 1. very easy compared with the difficulties that came before (与前面的困难相比较)容易得多It’s all downhill from here. We’ll soon be finished.这以后就容易了,我们很快就会结束。I’ve done three out of the four parts of the course, so it should be downhill all the way from now on.我已经完成了课程的四分之三,这以后应该会容易多了。2. getting worse very quickly 迅速恶化I took on far too much work and after that it was downhill all the way for my health.那段时间我的工作太繁重了,从那以后我的身体状况迅速恶化。take the easy way ˈoutend a difficult situation by choosing the simplest solution, even if it is not the best one 选择最简单的解决方式;快刀斩乱麻Rather than trying to save his business, he took the easy way out and declared himself bankrupt.他没有试着挽救自己的公司,而是选择了最简单的办法 - 宣告破产。in the ˈfamily way (old-fashioned, informal) pregnant 怀孕;有孕feel your ˈway1. move along carefully, for example when it is dark, by touching walls, objects, etc. (在黑暗中等)摸索着走动2. be careful about how you do sth because you are just learning how to do it or you don’t yet have enough information 小心尝试;谨慎行事I don’t know how they will react to the proposal, so at the moment I’m still feeling my way.我不知道他们对这个提案会有怎样的反应,所以目前我仍很谨慎。He’s only been in the job for three months, so he’s still feeling his way.他干这个活刚三个月,还在摸索阶段。find your/its ˈway (to/into…)come to a place or a situation by chance or without intending to 偶然进入;无意间来到After several other jobs, he eventually found his way into acting.他换了好几份工作,最后才很偶然地进了演艺圈。do/learn sth the ˈhard waylearn sth from experience, especially when this is unpleasant 从惨痛经验中学习;吃了苦头才学会I learned the hard way not to trust door-to-door salesmen.我从自己的惨痛教训中学会了不要相信上门推销的人。Why do you always do everything the hard way?你为什么做什么事都要付出这么大的代价呢?out of harm’s ˈwayin a place where sb/sth cannot cause or suffer injury, accident, loss, etc. 在不会造成(或受到)损害的地方;处境安全Most people think that dangerous criminals should be locked up out of harm’s way.大部分人认为危险的罪犯应该被关在不会对别人造成危害的地方。You should put these glasses out of harm’s way. They’re too valuable to use every day.你应该把这些玻璃杯收好,这么贵重的东西,日常用糟蹋了。know your way aˈbout/aˈround (sth)be familiar with a place, with how things are done etc.; be experienced 熟悉周围情况;熟门熟路I’d used the library before, so I knew my way around and found the book quite quickly.我以前来过这个图书馆,所以比较熟悉,很快就找到了我要的书。not know which way/where to ˈlook (informal) not know how to react or behave in an embarrassing situation 尴尬得不知如何是好;狼狈不堪When a half-naked woman walked into the room, nobody knew where to look.一位半裸的女子走进房间,所有人都尴尬得不知如何是好。not know which way/where to ˈturnnot know what to do, where to get help, etc. in a difficult situation (在困境中)不知道该怎么做(或向何人求助等)She didn’t know where to turn for help when her daughter started taking drugs.当女儿开始吸毒时,她不知去哪里寻求帮助。laugh all the way to the ˈbank (informal) make a lot of money easily and feel very pleased about it 发大财而喜笑颜开;一路笑着去银行With profits continuing to rise, both investors and company bosses are laughing all the way to the bank.由于利润的不断增长,投资者和公司老板们全都发了大财,喜笑颜开。lead the ˈway1. go in front of sb in order to show them the way 引路;带路She led the way to the conference hall.她引路去会议厅。2. be the first to do or develop sth 示范;是先行者;为始作俑者The United States was leading the way in space research.美国率先开展了太空研究。 OPP follow/go with the crowd lie your way into/out of sthget yourself into/out of a situation by telling lies 由于说谎而陷入(或摆脱)某种境地I lied my way into the concert by claiming to be a journalist.我谎称自己是记者混进演唱会现场。You can’t lie your way out of it this time, I’m afraid.恐怕你这次很难靠撒谎过关了。go back a long ˈway (of two or more people 两个或多个人) have known each other for a long time 相识很久John and I go back a long way, don’t we?我和约翰相识很久了,不是吗?have come a long ˈwayhave made good progress and achieved a lot 取得很大的进步;大有长进The manager has come a long way since she joined the company as a messenger.她刚进公司时是通信员,因业绩良好一步步做到了经理的职位。have a long way to ˈgoneed to make a lot of progress before you can achieve sth 还有很长的路要走;还有很大差距She still has a long way to go before she’s fully fit.她还需要很长时间才会完全恢复健康。follow/steer/take a middle ˈcoursefind, etc. a/the middle ˈwayfollow, find, etc. a plan that is halfway between two opposing plans; compromise 走(或寻求)中间道路;取中庸之道Kate wanted to stay for the rest of the week, and I wanted to leave straight away, so in the end we followed a middle course and stayed a couple of days.凯特想住到周末,而我想马上离开。最后我们采取了折中方案,只住了两三天。In politics you often have to steer a middle course.在政治上经常需要采取中间路线。 OPP go to extremes open the way for sb/sth (to do sth)make it possible for sb to do sth or for sth to happen 开方便之门A group of diplomats went first, in order to open the way for a personal visit by the President.几位外交官先行前往,为总统的私访铺平道路。in the ordinary ˈway (BrE) used to say what normally happens in a particular situation 一般;通常In the ordinary way, she’s not a nervous person.通常情况下,她不是个神经脆弱的人。ˌpave the ˈway (for sb/sth)make the arrival of sb/sth easier; prepare for sb/sth (为…)铺路,作好准备Babbage’s early work on calculating machines in the nineteenth century paved the way for the development of computers.巴比奇早在 19 世纪对计算机器的研究为计算机的发展打下了基础。pay your/its (own) ˈway (of a person, group, etc. 人、团体等) have or make enough money to support yourself/itself 有自己偿付的能力;自食其力I had to work in a cafe in order to pay my way through college.为了能够自食其力读完大学,我不得不在咖啡馆打工。Each part of the business must be able to pay its own way.每一块业务都必须自筹运营经费。pick your ˈway (across, over, etc. sth)walk carefully, choosing the safest, driest, etc. place to put your feet 择路而行;小心看路行走She picked her way delicately over the rough ground.她小心翼翼地在高低不平的地面上行走。point the ˈway (to/towards sth)show how things will develop in future 指出事物发展的方向New high-speed trains are pointing the way to a new age of European travel.新的高速火车引领了欧洲旅行的新时代。he, she, etc. couldn’t ˌpunch his, her, etc. way out of a paper ˈbag (informal, humorous) a person is so weak, shy, etc. that they would never dare react forcefully to sth 胆小鬼You don’t need to worry about what Jim would do; he couldn’t punch his way out of a paper bag.你不必担心吉姆会做出什么事来,他只是个胆小鬼。be all ˈrosesbe a bed of ˈroses ( be ˌroses, ˌroses all the ˈway) (informal) be easy, comfortable or pleasant 处处是鲜花;一帆风顺;称心如意Being a rock star isn’t all roses, you know.你要知道,当摇滚歌星并非尽善尽美。Don’t expect married life to be a bed of roses, because it’s not.不要以为婚后生活一切都美满,事实上不是那样的。rub sb up the wrong ˈway (BrE) (NAmE rub sb the wrong ˈway) (informal) make sb annoyed or angry, often without intending to, by doing or saying sth that offends them (无意中)冒犯某人,惹恼某人She’s a very good lawyer but she does sometimes rub clients up the wrong way.她是个出色的律师,但有时她也会无意中触怒委托人。show the ˈwaydo sth first so that other people can follow 领路;示范The future lies in changing the way we do business, and this Internet company is showing the way.只有改变我们的经营方式才会有前途,这家网络公司给我们指明了道路。smooth the ˈpath/ˈwaymake it easier for sth to happen 铺平道路;扫清障碍The President’s speech smoothed the way for talks with the rebel leaders.总统的讲话为与叛军领袖的对话铺平了道路。do sth in your ˌown sweet ˈtime/ˈway (informal) do sth how and when you want to, even though this might annoy other people 听凭自己的意愿做某事;随心所欲;为所欲为I tried to give her some advice but she just went on in her own sweet way.我想给她提点建议,可是她依旧我行我素。It’s no use trying to hurry him. He’ll do it in his own sweet time.催促他没有用,他还是想什么时候做就什么时候做。talk your way out of sth/out of doing sthmake excuses and give reasons for not doing sth; manage to get yourself out of a difficult situation 靠能言善辩开脱;凭口才解围He tried to talk his way out of it by saying someone else was responsible.他尽力替自己开脱,说责任在别人身上。I’d like to see her talk her way out of this one (= the present trouble).我真想看看她现在怎么给自己解围。thread your way through (sth)move through a place by moving round and between people or things 在…之间穿行I threaded my way through the busy streets.我穿过一条条繁忙的大街。be/fall wide of the ˈmark ( be (a long) way off the ˈmark) be not at all correct or accurate 远离目标;不准确;离谱No one knew where Bangalore was, and their guesses were all wide of the mark.没人知道班加罗尔的位置,他们都是瞎猜。 OPP on the nose where there’s a ˌwill there’s a ˈway (saying) a person who really wants something very much and is determined to get it will find a way of getting it or doing it 有志者,事竟成‘Have you had any luck in contacting Sue?’ ‘Not yet, but where there’s a will there’s a way!’“你和苏联系上了吗?”“还没有,但是我相信只要想,肯定能。”ˈwing your/its way (to…)go or be sent somewhere very quickly 匆忙赶往;很快被送往An invitation to the wedding will be winging its way to you very soon.婚礼请柬很快就会到你手里。take sth the wrong ˈwaybe offended by a remark that was not intended to be offensive 误会(本意良好的话)Don’t take this the wrong way, but don’t you think you should get your hair cut?你别误会,我无意冒犯,可是你不觉得自己该理发了吗?




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