

词组 face
释义 face /feɪs/ SEE ALL
be in your ˈface (informal) if an attitude, a performance, etc. is in your face it is aggressive in style and designed to make people react strongly to it (态度、表演等)具刺激性,易引起强烈反应This band’s famous for their live performances, which are always loud and in your face.


I don’t really like in-your-face action thrillers.
disappear/vanish off the face of the ˈearthdisappear completely 彻底消失;从地球上消失Keep looking — they can’t just have vanished off the face of the earth.
your/sb’s ˈface doesn’t fitused to say that sb will not get a particular job or position because they do not have the appearance, personality, etc. that the employer wants, even when this should not be important 没有…相,长得不合适(指因外表或个性等次要因素不合雇主意而得不到某个工作或职位)It doesn’t matter how qualified you are, if your face doesn’t fit, you don’t stand a chance.
your face ˈfallsyou suddenly look disappointed or upset 拉长了脸;神色沮丧He was quite cheerful until we told him the price. Then his face fell.
his, her, etc. face is like ˈthunderhe, she, etc. has a face like ˈthundersb looks very angry 某人怒容满面‘What’s wrong with Julia?’ ‘I don’t know, but she’s had a face like thunder all morning.’
face the ˈmusic (informal) accept the difficulties, criticism and unpleasant results that your words or actions may cause 承担自己言行的后果He’s been cheating us out of our money for years and now it’s time for him to face the music.
ˌface to ˈface (with sb/sth)1. in the presence of sb and close enough to meet, talk, see, etc. them (与某人)面对面The two leaders came face to face for the first time in Moscow this morning.
The programme brought Anna face to face with her father for the first time in her life.
face-to-face discussions, negotiations, etc.
2. in a situation where you have to accept that sth is true and deal with it 面对(某种处境)The crisis has brought her face to face with a lot of problems she had been trying not to think about.
ˌface ˈup/ˈdown1. (of a person ) with your face and stomach facing upwards/downwards 仰卧;俯卧She lay face down on the bed.
2. (of a playing card 纸牌) with the number or picture facing upwards/downwards 面朝上;面朝下Place the card face up on the pile.
get in sb’s ˈface (NAmE, informal) annoy sb by criticizing them or telling them what to do all the time 不停地责怪或发号施令使人不胜其烦She got in my face about staying out of things that don’t concern me.
I don’t care who you are. Don’t get in my face.
in the face of stheven though sth, usually a danger, problem or unpleasant situation, etc. exists 在(通常指危险或不利情况等)面前;不顾…In the face of all the evidence against you, how can you say that you’re innocent?
She married him in the face of opposition from both her parents.
In the face of very dangerous conditions, they managed to rescue all the men from the ship.
let’s ˈface it (informal) we must accept the unpleasant facts; let’s be honest 我们须正视现实;咱们实话实说吧Let’s face it — we just don’t have enough money to buy a new car.
Let’s face it. He married her for her money, not for love.
look/stare you in the ˈface (usually used in progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) (of a fact, an answer, a situation, etc. 事实、答案、情形等) be obvious but not noticed 就在眼前可是没有注意到;非常明显却忽略了The answer to the problem had been staring her in the face for years but she hadn’t seen it.
‘Where’s that book?’ ‘There in front of you, looking you in the face.’
lose ˈfacebe less respected or look stupid because of sth you have done 丢脸;失面子The government can’t agree to the changes without losing face.
OPP save (sb’s) face (a) loss of ˈface


This gives him an opportunity to change his mind without loss of face.
on the ˈface of it (informal) as sth appears to you when you first look at or consider it, especially when your first impression may be or was wrong 在表面上;表面看来On the face of it the pay offer looked wonderful, but in fact it wasn’t nearly as good as we thought.
‘Well, what do you think of the new plans?’ ‘On the face of it, they look good but I think we need to look at them more closely.’
set your face against sth (written, especially BrE) be strongly opposed to sth and refuse to change your opinion 坚决反对;沉下脸反对Her father had set his face against the marriage.
take sb/sth at face ˈvalueaccept that sb/sth is exactly as they/it first appears 对…信以为真;按字面意义(或表面现象)来理解You can’t take everything she says at face value.
A diplomat learns not to take everything at face value.
to sb’s ˈface(say sth) openly, when speaking to sb 当着某人的面(说某事)Would you really call her a liar to her face?
I think he’s guilty but I’d never dare say it to his face.
OPP behind sb’s back
ˈwhat’s his/her face (spoken) used to refer to a person whose name you cannot remember (用于指记不起名字的人)那个谁,那个叫什么来着Are you still working for what’s her face?
blow up in sb’s ˈface (of a situation, plan, project, etc. 情况、计划、项目等) end or fail suddenly, with bad results 突然结束(或失败)Starting up the business was difficult, and it all nearly blew up in his face when his partner fell sick at the last minute.创办公司真不容易,而在最后关头他的合伙人病倒了,他差点眼睁睁看着一切化为泡影。(do sth) till you’re ˌblue in the ˈface (informal) (do sth) with a lot of effort and for a very long time without success 极尽努力(也没有成功)You can argue with John till you’re blue in the face, he’ll never agree with you.和约翰争论,就是把嘴皮磨破了也没用,他永远也不会同意你的意见。put a brave ˈface on sthput on a brave ˈfacetry to appear brave or cheerful or to be managing well in a difficult situation, when in fact you are frightened or unhappy 强装勇敢(或快乐);佯装满不在乎‘How’s Mrs O’Brien?’ ‘She’s trying to put a very brave face on things, but you can see that she’s very unhappy.’“奥布赖恩夫人怎么样了?”“她表面上装得若无其事,但可以看出她很不幸福。”(have) ˈegg on your face (informal) be made to look stupid 出丑;出洋相Let’s think this out carefully. I don’t want to end up with egg on my face.我们好好盘算盘算,我可不想到时候出洋相。(be unable to) look sb in the ˈeye(s)/ˈface(be unable to) look at sb directly (because you feel embarrassed, ashamed, etc.) (因尴尬、羞愧等不敢)正视某人I knew he was lying because he wouldn’t look me in the eye when he spoke.我知道他在撒谎,因为他说话时不敢正视我。fall ˌflat on your ˈface (informal) fail completely in an attempt to do sth, especially in a noticeable way 彻底失败;惨败;栽跟头I thought I would pass my driving test easily but I fell flat on my face.我本以为能轻松通过驾驶考试,结果却考砸了。fly in the face of ˈsth (written) oppose or be the opposite of sth that is usual or expected 公然违抗;与…相悖Such a proposal is flying in the face of common sense.这种提议有悖于常理。laugh in sb’s ˈface (informal) show in a very obvious way that you have no respect for sb 当面嘲笑;公开蔑视When I made my suggestion at the meeting, everybody just laughed in my face.我在会议上提出自己的建议时,大伙儿都公然嘲笑我。laugh on the other side of your ˈface (BrE, informal) be forced to change from feeling pleased or satisfied to feeling disappointed or annoyed 转喜为忧;得意变失意;笑脸变为苦脸If you think you’ve tricked me, then you’re wrong! You’ll soon be laughing on the other side of your face!要是你认为你骗过了我,那你就错了!你很快就会笑脸变苦脸!(pull, wear, etc.) a long ˈface(have) a sad or disappointed expression 闷闷不乐;哭丧着脸;愁眉苦脸I asked him if he wanted to come out but he pulled a long face and said no.我问他是否想出来,他哭丧着脸说不想。Why the long face?为何闷闷不乐?have the nerve to do sth (BrE also have the face to do sth) (informal) do sth that other people think is rude or not appropriate without feeling embarrassed or ashamed 脸皮厚He had the nerve to ask me for a pay rise after only three weeks in the job.他脸皮可真厚,才工作了三星期就要求加薪。I don’t know how she’s got the face to criticize my designs. She doesn’t know anything at all about architecture.我真搞不懂她怎么还有脸批评我的设计,她对建筑根本一窍不通。cut off your ˈnose to spite your ˈface (informal) do sth, for example because you are angry or proud, that is intended to hurt sb else but in fact harms you 因一时恼怒(或骄傲)害了自己;想伤害他人结果反倒害了自己Keeping your class in after school as a punishment is cutting off your nose to spite your face, because you have to stay with them!放学后罚学生留堂反而对自己不利,你不也得跟他们一起留下来嘛! ORIGIN This may come from the story of a Viking attack on a monastery. The nuns in the monastery cut off their own noses so that they would not be attractive to their attackers. 这个习语或许源于维金人袭击修道院的故事。修道院中的修女为了让袭击者觉得自己难看而割掉自己的鼻子。(as) plain as a ˈpikestaff(as) plain as ˈday(as) plain as the nose on your ˈface (informal) easy to see or understand; obvious 一清二楚;一目了然;显而易见It’s as plain as a pikestaff; this government is ruining the economy.很显然,这个政府正在摧毁经济。You can’t miss the sign, it’s right there, as plain as the nose on your face.你不会错过指示牌的,就在那里,一眼就能看得见。not just a pretty ˈface (humorous) used to emphasize that you have particular skills or qualities (用于强调)不只脸蛋漂亮,并非徒有其表‘I hear you passed all your exams.’ ‘Yes, I’m not just a pretty face, you know!’“我听说你通过了所有的考试。”“是的,我可不只是脸蛋漂亮,对吧!”pull/make ˈfaces/a ˈface (at sb/sth)produce an expression on your face to show that you do not like sb/sth or in order to make sb laugh (向…)做鬼脸(以示不满或使对方发笑)What are you pulling a face at now?你怎么了,一副不满的样子?The little girl stood outside the window of the cafe making faces at everybody.这个小女孩站在咖啡馆玻璃窗外,向所有的人做鬼脸。 ˈface-pulling


He amazed the audience with his silent mime and face-pulling performance.他的哑剧和鬼脸表演使观众倍感惊异。
a red ˈface (informal) embarrassment 尴尬;窘迫相There are going to be a lot of red faces at the bank when they discover their mistake.等银行里的人发现自己的错误时,肯定特别难堪。save (sb’s) ˈfacedo sth in order to keep the respect of other people (使)保全面子The announcement was an attempt by the government to save face.这则公告是政府试图保全体面的一个举动。 OPP lose face ˈface-saving


face-saving measures保全面子的措施
show your ˈfacebe in or go to a place, especially when you are not welcome (尤指不受欢迎时)露面After what happened yesterday, I don’t know how you dare show your face here.发生了昨天的事情之后,我不明白你怎么还敢在这里露面。If he ever shows his face in here again, there’ll be trouble.他再出现在这里,就会有麻烦。shut your ˈmouth/ˈtrap/ˈface/ˈgob! ( keep your ˈmouth/ˈtrap shut) (slang) a rude way of telling sb to be quiet or stop talking (用于粗暴地制止某人讲话)住口,闭嘴‘Shut your face’, Roger said, ‘or I’ll kick you out.’“闭嘴,”罗杰说,“不然我就把你踢出去。”Why can’t you learn to keep your big mouth shut?你为什么不能闭上你那张大嘴! NOTE Trap and gob are slang words for ‘mouth’. * trap 与 gob 都是俚语,意为“嘴巴”。 a slap in the ˈfacean action that seems to be intended as a deliberate insult to sb 一记耳光;侮辱;打击The bank refused to lend her any more money, which was a real slap in the face for her.银行拒绝再给她贷款,这对她不啻当头一棒。 OPP give sb/yourself a pat on the back smash sb’s ˈface/ˈhead in (BrE, informal) hit sb very hard in the face/head 猛击某人的脸/头Give me the money or I’ll smash your head in.把钱给我,不然我揍扁你。stare sth in the ˈfacebe unable to avoid sth 不可避免;就在眼前They were staring defeat in the face.他们避免不了失败。(keep) a straight ˈfacemanage not to laugh 绷着脸;忍住不笑When she told me about her accident with the pig, I couldn’t keep a straight face.她告诉我她和那头猪的意外事件时,我忍不住笑了。wipe sth off the ˌface of the ˈearth ( wipe sth off the ˈmap) completely destroy sth 使…从地球上消失;彻底消除If a meteor hit us, whole cities would be wiped off the face of the earth.如果流星击中我们,整座城市都会毁灭。The fall in prices wiped a lot of small businesses off the map.价格的下降彻底击垮了很多小企业。wipe the/that ˈsmile, ˈgrin, etc. off your/sb’s face (informal) 1. used to tell sb to stop smiling, etc. because it is annoying or not appropriate (因为讨厌或不合时宜而让某人)不要笑了Wipe that smile off your face or I’ll send you out of the classroom.再笑我就把你赶出教室。2. make sb feel less happy or satisfied with sth 使某人不再开心;使某人得意不下去The news from the stock market soon wiped the smile off his face.股市上传来的消息使他再也笑不出来。be written all over sb’s ˈface (of an emotion 情感) be clearly seen on sb’s face 全挂在脸上;形之于色You could see he was guilty; it was written all over his face.你能看出他内心有愧,他脸上明明白白地写着呢。




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