

词组 tell
释义 tell /tel/ SEE ALL
don’t ˈtell me (spoken, informal) used to say that you know or can guess what sb is going to say, especially because it is typical of them (表示已经知道或猜到对方想说什么)别又告诉我,不至于…吧Don’t tell me, you were late again!
I tell a ˈlie (spoken) used to say that sth you have just said is not true or correct 我说错了;我说的不对We first met in 1982, no, I tell a lie, it was 1983.
我们第一次见面是在 1982 年,不,我说错了,是 1983 年。
I ˈtell youI can ˈtell youI’m ˈtelling youI can’t ˈtell you how, etc. … (spoken) used to emphasize what you are saying, especially when it is surprising or difficult to believe (用于强调,尤指使人惊奇或难以相信的事)我可以肯定地说,我敢说,你听我说It’s not as easy as it looks, I’m telling you.
I can’t tell you how happy I felt (= it is difficult to describe my happiness, because it was so great).
I/I’ll ˌtell you ˈwhatˌI know ˈwhat (spoken) said before making a suggestion (用于提出建议)我跟你说,我有个主意I tell you what — let’s ask Fred to lend us his car.
I know what! Why don’t you buy her a CD?
我有主意了!你干吗不给她买张 CD 呢?
tell it how/like it ˈis (informal) tell sb sth honestly and directly 实话实说;直言不讳All right, I’ll tell it like it is. I don’t love you Rachel, and I never have.
(go) tell it/that to the maˈrines (saying, informal) used to say that you do not believe what sb is saying, promising, etc. 骗鬼去吧;我才不信呢‘I’ll never smoke again!’ ‘Yeah? Go tell that to the marines.’
“我再也不抽烟了!”“是吗? 骗鬼去吧。”
ORIGIN This comes from the saying ‘that will do for the marines but the sailors won’t believe it’. 这个习语源于俗语 that will do for the marines but the sailors won't believe it (假想的骑马水兵会相信,但水手们不会买账)。
tell its ˈown tale/storyexplain or show sth, without the need of any more explanations or comment 不言而喻;明摆着;很明显The burned buildings and broken glass in the streets tell their own story.
ˈtell me (spoken) used to introduce a question (用于提出问题)告诉我,跟我说Tell me, have you had lunch yet?
ˈtell me about it (spoken) used to say that you understand what sb is talking about and have had the same experience 你算说对了;的确;我也有同感‘I get so annoyed with Steve!’ ‘Tell me about it. He drives me crazy.’
tell me aˈnother (spoken) used for saying that you do not believe sb because they are joking or exaggerating 别胡说了;我才不信呢‘I caught a fish that weighed 5 kilos.’ ‘Tell me another! I bet it didn’t even weigh one kilo.’
“我钓到一条 5 公斤的大鱼。”“别吹了,好吗?我敢打赌 1 公斤都不到。”
tell ˈporkies (BrE, informal, humorous) (usually used in progressive tenses 通常用于进行时) say sth that is not true 说瞎话;瞎编Can this be true, or is somebody telling porkies?
ORIGIN In rhyming slang, porky-pies means ‘lies’. 在同韵俚语中,pork-pies (猪肉饼)表示 lies (谎言)。
tell the same tale/story (of sth)show the same thing 反映出相同的情况The faces of these children tell the same tale of hunger and misery.
tell a ˈdifferent, aˈnother, etc. tale/storygive some information that is different from what you expect or have been told 说的情况迥然不同;反映出来的是另一回事She sounded very calm, but her face told a different story.
tell ˈtales (about sb/sth) (BrE) tell sb, especially sb in authority, that another person has done something wrong (尤指向当权者)打小报告,揭人短处How did the boss know that I was late for work this morning? I think somebody’s been telling tales about me.
tell ˌtales out of ˈschooltalk about the private affairs of a group or an organization to people who do not belong to it (向团体或组织以外的人)泄密,暴露隐情I shouldn’t tell tales out of school, but my company is in serious trouble.
tell the ˈtime (BrE) (NAmE tell ˈtime) read the time from a clock, etc. 认时间;懂得看表She’s only five — she hasn’t learnt to tell the time yet.
tell sb ˌwhere to get ˈofftell sb ˌwhere they get ˈoff (BrE, informal) tell sb angrily that you do not like the way they are behaving and you no longer accept it 严厉斥责某人;使某人有自知之明;叫某人规矩些He gets drunk every time we go to a party, so I’ve told him where to get off.
tell sb where to ˈput/ˈstick sthtell sb what they can ˈdo with sth (informal) make it clear to sb that you are angry and are rejecting what they are offering you 让某人收起那一套;坚决拒绝某人的提议I was so furious I nearly told him where to stick his rotten job!
tell the (whole) ˈworldtell sth to everyone; tell sth publicly 告诉所有人;公之于世Keep your voice down! We don’t want to tell the whole world about it!
to tell (you) the ˈtruthused when admitting sth (跟你)说实话,说真的,老实说To tell the truth, I fell asleep in the middle of her talk.
what did I ˈtell you? ( I ˈtold you so) used for telling sb who did not listen to your warnings or take your advice that they were wrong and you were right (表示自己已提醒过或提过建议,但对方不听)我说什么来着,我早就跟你说过‘I’ve got terrible stomach-ache.’ ‘What did I tell you? You should never have drunk the tap water.’
‘She didn’t like the present.’ ‘I told you so. I knew she didn’t like perfume.’
you ˌnever can ˈtellyou can ˌnever ˈtell (saying) you can never be sure; you can never know exactly what will happen 谁知道;很难说;谁也说不准‘Is he happy?’ ‘I don’t know. You can never tell with him.’
‘Who’s going to win?’ ‘In weather conditions like these you never can tell.’
not know/not be able to tell ˌone end of sth from the ˈother (informal) know absolutely nothing about sth, for example a machine 对(机器等)一无所知Don’t ask me to fix the car. I don’t know one end of an engine from the other.别让我来修车,我对发动机一窍不通。talk to/tell it to the ˈhand (because/’cos the face ain’t ˈlistening) (NAmE, informal) used to say in a rude way that you refuse to listen to what sb is trying to tell you (粗暴地表示不愿听别人讲)别说了,闭嘴 NOTE This is said while holding your hand up in front of the other person’s face. 说这个习语的时候手掌通常伸在别人面前。 ˌkiss and ˈtella way of referring to sb talking publicly, usually for money, about a past sexual relationship with sb famous (通常为了钱)泄露与名人的私情Despite all the money the tabloids were offering for her story, she was determined not to kiss and tell.尽管小报愿意出高价,她还是决意不透露自己与那个名人的私情。live to tell the ˈtale (informal, often humorous) survive a terrible experience 幸存;从困境中挺过来Only one man out of fifteen lived to tell the tale.十五个人中只有一人幸存。It will be a difficult experience, but I expect you’ll live to tell the tale!虽然前途艰险,但我相信你定能战胜困难!can/could teach/tell sb a ˈthing or two (about sb/sth) (informal) be able to help sb, or teach sb how to do sth, because you have more experience (因为有更多经验而)能帮点忙,能教某人一些东西He thinks he knows a lot about farming, but old Bert could teach him a thing or two.他以为自己对种田所知甚多,但是老伯特会给他上点课的。time (alone) will ˈtellonly time will ˈtell (saying) used to say that you will have to wait for some time to find out the result of a situation (只有)时间会证明Only time will tell if the treatment has been successful.只有时间才能证明这种疗法是否有效。




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