

词组 read
释义 read1 /riːd/ SEE ALL
ˌread between the ˈlinesfind or look for a hidden or extra meaning in sth a person says or writes, usually their real feelings about sth 看(或听)出言外之意;领悟隐含的真意Reading between the lines, it was obvious that he was feeling lonely.
ˌread sb like a ˈbook (informal) understand sb so well that you can guess what they will say or do before they say or do it 对某人了如指掌;看透某人She found that after living with him for a year or more, she could read him like a book.
ˌread sb’s ˈmind/ˈthoughts (informal) understand what sb is thinking, feeling, planning, etc. 清楚某人的想法(或感受、计划等);看出某人的心思I can’t read your mind! If you don’t tell me what’s worrying you, I can’t help you.
ˌread my ˈlips (spoken) used to tell sb to listen carefully to what you are saying 注意听;听清楚了Read my lips: no new taxes (= I promise there will be no new taxes).
read (sb) the ˈRiot Act (BrE) tell sb forcefully and angrily that you will punish them if they do not stop behaving badly; be angry with sb who has behaved badly 严厉警告某人收敛行为;对某人的恶行感到恼怒The headmaster came in and read the Riot Act. He said he would keep us in after school if there was one more complaint about us.
ORIGIN In 1715 the Riot Act was passed in Parliament. Groups of more than twelve people were not allowed to meet in public. If they did, an official came to read them the Riot Act, which ordered them to stop the meeting. * 1715 年,英国议会通过《取缔闹事法》,禁止十二人以上的群体在公共场合集会。如有违犯,当有一名官员前来向其宣读该法,令其解散。
read2 /red/
ˌtake sth/it as ˈread (BrE) consider that sth does not need discussing because everyone already knows, understands, or agrees about it 认为(某事)不必再作讨论;直接认定Can I take it as read that we all agree on this matter?




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