

词组 storm
释义 storm BrE /stɔːm/
NAmE /stɔːrm/
the ˌcalm/ˌlull before the ˈstorm (saying) a period of unnatural calm before an attack, violent activity, etc. 暴风雨前的宁静What the country was experiencing was not peace, but just the calm before another storm.
dance, talk, etc. up a ˈstorm (informal, especially NAmE) dance, talk, etc. with enthusiasm and energy 跳(或谈等)得热火朝天They spent the evening celebrating the end of the exams, dancing up a storm at the college party.
Campbell won an award for his first novel, and has been writing up a storm ever since.
ride out/weather the ˈstorm (of sth)manage to survive a difficult period or situation 战胜风浪;平安渡过难关The government has managed to ride out the recent storm.
Many companies are having difficulty weathering the present economic storm.
a storm in a ˈteacup (BrE) (NAmE a tempest in a ˈteapot) (informal) a small or unimportant problem which is treated as much more serious than it really is 茶杯里的风暴(小事引起的轩然大波);小题大做;大惊小怪Don’t worry. It’s a storm in a teacup. Everyone will have forgotten about it by tomorrow.
take sb/sth by ˈstorm1. take or seize a town, castle, building, etc. with a sudden and fierce attack 突袭攻占某处The police took the building by storm; two people were injured during the operation.
2. be extremely successful very quickly in a particular place or among particular people 在某地大获成功;使…倾倒Lord of the Rings took the whole world by storm; it was one of the most successful movies ever made.
any port in a ˈstorm (saying) when you are in trouble you will accept help, etc. that would be unacceptable otherwise 饥不择食;慌不择路;穷途之策When he went to work there he had been unemployed for a year. It was a case of any port in a storm.他去那里工作时已经失业一年了,这是个饥不择食的选择。




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