释义 |
●ˌfiddle while Rome ˈburns (saying) do nothing or waste your time when you should be dealing with a dangerous or serious situation 在危急关头无所事事;大难临头漠不关心;隔岸观火◆With the world’s population growing fast and millions getting hungrier every day, the leaders of the rich nations just seem to be fiddling while Rome burns.世界人口急速增长,数百万的人每天忍饥挨饿,可是富有国家的领导人对此好像无动于衷,漠然视之。 ORIGIN This phrase refers to the Roman emperor Nero, who fiddled (= played the violin) during the burning of Rome in AD 64. 这个短语源于古罗马。公元 64 年罗马大火,皇帝尼禄却在拉小提琴。 |