释义 |
books /bʊks/► SEE ALLbe in/get into sb’s good/bad bookson/off the/sb’s booksone for the bookscook the booksthe history bookshit the books ●be in/get into sb’s ˈgood/ˈbad books (informal) have/not have sb’s favour or approval 得到/得不到某人的好感(或赞许)◆I’m in his bad books at the moment because I accidentally broke the window. 现在他对我没有好感,因为我无意中打碎了窗玻璃。◆‘Why are you cleaning her shoes?’ ‘I’m trying to get into her good books!’ “你为什么给她擦鞋?”“我想博取她的好感!”●on/off the/sb’s ˈbooks (business 商业) included/not included in the official financial records of a company 记/不记在公司的正式账目中◆The company falsified its accounts and kept billions of dollars in debt off the books. 这家公司做假账,数十亿美元的债务未入账。●one for the ˈbooks (especially NAmE) used to say that sth is unusual or unexpected 值得写上一笔的不寻常的事物◆Well here’s one for the books — a microwave that plays music. 哟,这东西可非同寻常 - 能播放音乐的微波炉。●ˌcook the ˈbooks (informal) change facts or figures in order to make the situation seem better than it is or to hide the fact that you have stolen money 篡改账目;造假账◆The two directors of the company had been cooking the books, a local court heard yesterday.当地法庭昨日审理发现,公司的两位董事一直在做假账。●the ˈhistory booksthe record of great achievements in history 历史上重大成就的记载;史书◆She has earned her place in the history books.她名垂青史。●hit the ˈbooks (NAmE) study hard and read a lot about sth 用功学习◆You’re going to hit the books and make something of yourself.你要去用功读书,学有所成。◆My exams are soon so I’d better start hitting the books.考试将近,我得赶紧用功了。 |