

词组 cross
释义 cross BrE /krɒs/
NAmE /krɔːs/
be/talk at cross ˈpurposes (of two people or groups 两人或两个团体) misunderstand what the other is referring to or trying to do 各说各话;相互误解Mary and I spoke about Anne for a minute or two before I realized we were talking at cross purposes: I meant Anne Smith and Mary meant Anne Harris.
我跟玛丽谈起安妮,聊了一会儿才意识到我们说的是两码事,我在说安妮 ∙ 史密斯,而她说的是安妮 ∙ 哈里斯。
cross a ˌbridge when you ˈcome to itcross your ˌbridges when you ˈcome to themdeal with a problem only when it happens and not worry about it before then 待到问题出现时再设法解决;船到桥头自然直‘What will you do if you can’t afford to run your car next year?’ ‘I’ll cross that bridge when I come to it.’
cross sb’s ˈmind (often used in negative sentences 常用于否定句) (of a thought, etc. 想法等) come into sb’s mind for a short time 掠过心头;在脑海中闪现He intended to marry her and the thought never crossed his mind that she might refuse.
It had crossed my mind that I hadn’t seen her for a long time so I decided to ring her.
cross my ˈheart (and hope to ˈdie) (spoken) used for emphasizing that you are sincere when making a promise, or that what you say is true 我发誓‘Don’t tell anyone else about this, will you?’ ‘Cross my heart, I won’t.’
cross sb’s ˈpathour/their paths ˈcross(we/they) meet by chance 偶然相遇;不期而遇;邂逅He never crossed my path, thank goodness. He was the last person I wanted to meet.
Our paths crossed several times during the war but after that I never saw him again.
cross the ˈRubicon (formal) reach a point where an important decision is taken which cannot be changed later 下重大决心;破釜沉舟Today we cross the Rubicon. There is no going back.
ORIGIN The Rubicon was a stream which formed the border between Italy and Gaul. When Julius Caesar broke the law by crossing it with his army, it led inevitably to war. * Rubicon (鲁比肯河)是意大利和高卢的界河。恺撒违约率军渡河,就意味着战争不可避免要发生。
cross ˈswords (with sb)have an argument (with sb) (与某人)交锋,争论,唇枪舌剑At the committee meeting, I crossed swords with Professor Smith over her department’s overspending.
have a (heavy) ˈcross to bearbear/carry your ˈcrosssuffer the trouble(s) that life brings to you 背着(沉重的)十字架;承担生活的苦难We all have our crosses to bear.
ORIGIN This refers to the punishments used in the time of Jesus and described in the Bible. 这个习语原指《圣经》中耶稣时代所用的惩罚。
dot the/your ˌi’s and cross the/your ˈt’spay great attention to small details in order to complete sth; be very thorough and careful in what you do or say 一丝不苟;不放过细节;(言行)谨慎周密We reached a broad agreement, and decided to dot the i’s and cross the t’s later.我们达成了大致的协议,并决定以后再着手细节问题。have/keep your ˈfingers crossedcross your ˈfingers (informal) hope that sth will be successful; wish sb good luck 祈求成功;祝某人好运I’m going to give my first lecture tomorrow, so keep your fingers crossed for me, won’t you?明天是我第一次上课,祝我好运吧!Good luck, Ingrid.Fingers crossed!祝你好运,英格丽德。我为你祈祷! NOTE People often cross the first two fingers of one hand when they use this expression. 人们用这个表达法时通常把一只手的前两根手指交叉起来。




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