burn your boats (or bridges) commit yourself irrevocably.
☞ In a military campaign, burning your boats or bridges would make escape or retreat impossible.
burn the candle at both ends
1 lavish energy or resources in more than one direction at the same time.
2 go to bed late and get up early.
burn your fingers: seefinger.
burn the midnight oil read or work late into the night.
burn rubber: seerubber.
crash and burn: seecrash.
go for the burn push your body to the extremes when practising a form of physical exercise. informal
☞ The burn referred to is the burning sensation caused in muscles by strenuous exertion.
have money to burn: seemoney.
money burns a hole in your pocket: seemoney.
someone's ears are burning: seeear.
slow burn a state of slowly mounting anger or annoyance. informal