

词组 shock


future shock: seefuture.

shock and awe a name given to a US military strategy, developed in the 1990s, that relies on rapidly deployed overwhelming force to cow an enemy.

shock horror used as an ironically exaggerated reaction to something shocking.

☞ The expression encapsulates the hyperbole of newspaper headlines, especially those in tabloid papers.

2003Film Inside Out She encourages one of the girls to consider a career in law-shock horror!-rather than deny her intellect and settle for homemaking.

short, sharp shock

1 a brief but harsh custodial sentence imposed on offenders in an attempt to discourage them from committing further offences.

2 a severe measure taken in order to effect quick results.

☞ The Home Secretary William Whitelaw advocated the short sharp shock as a form of corrective treatment for young offenders at the 1979 Conservative Party Conference; the deterrent value of such a regime was to be its severity rather than the length of time served.





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