

词组 ties you in knots
释义 (redirected from ties you in knots)

tie (one) (up) in knots

To make one confused, anxious, worried, and/or upset. I've been planning to propose to James on Sunday, but the nervousness is tying me in knots! It's something about the austere, imposing way the boss speaks that always ties everyone up in knots.

tie someone (up) in knots

Fig. to become anxious or upset. John tied himself in knots worrying about his wife during her operation. This waiting and worrying really ties me up in knots.

tie someone in knots


tie someone up in knots

If someone ties you in knots or ties you up in knots in a discussion or argument, they confuse you by using clever arguments, so that you cannot argue or think clearly any longer. He could tie her in knots in an argument and never once missed an opportunity to prove his intellectual superiority. He had easily tied her up in knots, cleverly casting serious doubt on her mental faculties.

tie someone (up) in knots

make someone completely confused. informal
1996 Daily Star It looks like an open and shut case until the brilliant QC starts getting the prosecution witnesses tied up in knots.




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