

词组 tot up
Phr V
tot up
tots, totting, totted
tot up sth or tot sth up
mainly British & Australian informal to add numbers or amounts together in order to get a total
Let's tot up our scores to find out who's won.Could you tot up what I owe you and I'll write a cheque?
tot up
verb to amount to; to add up; to calculate. Ultimately from 'total'. An older variant, 'tot together', is still familiar UK, 2004
phrasetot up
tot up sthtot sth up BrE informal to add together numbers or amounts of money in order to find the total: At the end of the game we'll tot up the points and the winner will be declared. Ernest counted out the money and I quickly totted it up in my head. SIMILAR TO: add up, total up

tot up

To tally or add up some numbers, especially in relation to the cost of something. A noun or pronoun can be used between "tot" and "up." Tot up the various expenses you have during your trip and submit a request for reimbursement from payroll. I nearly fainted when the waiter totted up the bill and told us we owed over $300 for the meal. Let's just tot it all up and divide the cost equally between everyone here.

tot up

To calculate something, especially by addition: If you tot up all the costs, you'll realize this project is too expensive.




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