

词组 marry off
Phr V
marry off
marries, marrying, married
marry off sb or marry sb off
to make sure that someone, especially a female member of your family, gets married or that they marry the person you have chosenoften + to
She was married off to the local doctor by the age of 16.
phrasemarry off
marry off sbmarry sb off old-fashioned to arrange for someone, especially a female member of your family, to get married or to marry someone you have chosen: In country areas it was common for fathers to marry off their daughters when they reached twelve or thirteen.+ to The Duke's daughter, Anne, was seized and married off to Charles V111 of France.

marry off

To set up one's child, especially a daughter, to be married to someone so as to no longer be financially responsible for them. A noun or pronoun can be used between "marry" and "off." Despite social advancements in the country, there is still a culture of marrying off one's daughters at the earliest possible time to someone of great wealth or status. I wish you would stop trying to marry me off whenever we're at a large gathering of people—I'll get married if and when I'm ready, thank you very much.

marry someone off (to someone)

to manage to get someone married to someone and out of the house or family. Her parents wanted nothing more than to marry her off to a doctor. They married off their children soon.




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