

词组 check off
check offcheck off (something)
to look at a list of names or items and mark them if correct.
He checked off their names as the passengers got on the bus.

Phr V
check off
checks, checking, checked
check off sth or check sth off
to look at each item on a list, or to write something next to each item on a list, in order to make sure that everything or everyone on it is correct, present, or has been dealt with
She told the children to get on the coach after checking off their names on a list.
phrasecheck off

check off sthcheck sth off to make a mark next to something on a list to show that you have dealt with it or looked at it: Once each job has been completed, you can check it off and begin to work on something else. His wife checked off the names of the guests as they arrived. SIMILAR TO: tick off BrE
check off sthcheck sth off AmE to make a mark next to an answer on a list of choices or answers to a question, in order to show which one you have chosen: Look over the list and check off the ten issues that seem most important to you. If you'd like a representative to call you, please check off the box on the right. SIMILAR TO: check AmE, tick off BrE

check off

To mark someone or something as present, verified, or completed, as on a list. A noun or pronoun can be used between "check" and "off." Checking things off my to-do list is so satisfying. Please check off each step as you do it. Don't worry, I checked you off when I took attendance.

check someone or something off

to mark or cross out the name of a person or thing on a list. I am glad to see that you were able to come. I will check you off. I checked the items off. I checked off the recent arrivals.

check off

Mark as entered, or examined and passed, as in He checked off their names as they arrived. [Early 1800s]

check off

To put a check mark on or next to some item on a list to indicate that it has been reviewed or completed: Don't forget to check off the task after you have completed it. As I put the groceries in the cart, I checked them off on my list.




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