

词组 deadline
deadline /ˈdedlaɪn/ noun a date or time by which you have to do or complete somethingverbsmeet a deadline (=finish something by a deadline) Everyone’s working extremely hard to meet the deadline.miss a deadline (=fail to finish something by a deadline) There will be penalties if the government misses the deadline to cut air pollution.have a deadline It’s easier to work hard if you have a deadline.work to a deadline (=have to finish something by a deadline) We’re all under pressure and working to deadlines.beat a deadline (=finish or do something before a deadline) Five thousand applicants rushed to beat Wednesday’s deadline for applications.set a deadline (=decide on a date when something must be finished) The deadline has been set at January 31st.give sb a deadline also impose a deadline formal (=make someone have a deadline) NATO has imposed a deadline of two weeks for a deal to be reached.extend a deadline (=make the date or time later than it was before) My editor agreed to extend the deadline by two weeks.a deadline approaches/looms Things began to get more frantic as the deadline loomed.a deadline passes (=the date or time by which you must do something goes past) The deadline had already passed for him to raise the money.adjectives/nouns + deadlinea tight deadline (=one that is difficult because it does not allow much time to do something) As a journalist, you have to be able to work to tight deadlines.a strict deadline (=a time or date when something must definitely be finished) We’re working to a very strict deadline.a self-imposed deadline (=one that you have set for yourself) The government has missed a self-imposed deadline to solve the problem.the Friday/December etc deadline The project went on long after the December deadline.prepositionsa deadline for (doing) sth The deadline for registration on the course is 23 January.a deadline of sth A deadline of 3 May was set.




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