

词组 magazine
magazine /ˌmæɡəˈziːn $ ˈmæɡəziːn/ noun a large thin book with a paper cover that contains news stories, articles, photographs etc, and is sold weekly or monthlyadjectives/nouns + magazinea music/computer/fashion etc magazine I read an interview with Johnny Depp in a movie magazine.a news magazine ‘Der Spiegel’ is a German news magazine.a weekly/monthly/quarterly magazine I received the January edition of the monthly magazine ‘Birdwatch’.an online magazine (=on the internet) They started an online magazine for people who love food.a national/international magazine ‘Snip’ is an international magazine for hairdressers.a glossy magazine (=printed on shiny paper, with a lot of pictures) She appeared on the front cover of the glossy magazine ‘Vogue’.a popular magazine The story first appeared in a popular women’s magazine.a men’s/women’s magazine Women’s magazines are full of articles about ways of losing weight.a trade magazine (=for people in a particular profession) Electronic Engineering Times is a trade magazine for the electronics industry.the school/college magazine My friend edits the school magazine.a literary magazine He writes for an American literary magazine.a consumer magazine (=for people who buy and use products and services) The consumer magazine ‘Which?’ tested and compared ten brands of washing machine.verbsread/look at a magazine She was sitting on the sofa reading a magazine.flick/leaf through a magazine (=turn the pages without reading anything properly) Anna was flicking through the magazines in the hospital waiting room.publish/produce a magazine The magazine is published once a month.write for a magazine She writes for a well-known fashion magazine.edit a magazine Paul edits a student magazine.launch a magazine (=start a new magazine) The company is launching a new fashion magazine.subscribe to a magazine (=get a magazine sent to you regularly) He subscribes to ‘Time’ magazine.sth appears/is published in a magazine The story was first published in the ‘New Yorker’ magazine.a magazine features sth (=it includes something) The magazine features articles on a wide range of topics.magazine + nounsa magazine article/feature I’m reading a magazine article about global warming.a magazine interview She said in a magazine interview that she planned to retire when she was 35.a magazine cover (=the front page of a magazine) Her face was on every magazine cover.a magazine editor She wrote to the magazine editor to complain about the article.a magazine advertisement There are always lots of magazine advertisements for cars.a magazine subscription (=money you pay to get a magazine regularly) I’m thinking of cancelling my magazine subscription.a magazine rack (=a frame or shelf with bars for storing magazines) A magazine rack was overflowing with magazines.magazine publishing He has worked in magazine publishing for a long time.phrasesan issue of a magazine Have you read the latest issue of ‘New Scientist’ magazine?a copy of a magazine I’ve lost my copy of the magazine.THESAURUS: magazine journal a serious magazine for people who are interested in a scientific, technical, or academic subject, or who do a particular job: The research was published in a scientific journal. | His office is full of academic journals. | ‘The Bookseller’ is the trade journal for the publishing industry (=for people who are involved in a particular type of work). periodical a serious magazine which has long detailed articles about a particular academic or scientific subject: She gives a long list of the academic periodicals she consulted at the end of the article. | His publications included over 100 original papers in scientific periodicals.Periodical is similar in meaning to journal but sounds more formal. supplement an extra magazine that is published with a newspaper: The ‘Sunday Times’ colour supplement has a feature on holidays in France. | A photo of the house appeared in a Sunday supplement. comic/comic book a magazine for children that tells a story using pictures: The little boy was reading his comic. fanzine a magazine written by and for people who admire a particular sports team, musician etc: The soccer club has its own fanzine.




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