

词组 darkness
darkness /ˈdɑːknəs, ˈdɑːknɪs $ ˈdɑːrk-/ noun when there is no lightadjectivescomplete/total darkness It was late and the village was in total darkness.pitch darkness (=complete darkness) We ended up coming down the mountain in pitch darkness.semi-darkness I could see the figure of a man in the semi-darkness.gathering/growing darkness literary (=night that is slowly coming) The gathering darkness made it hard to see her face.near darkness The only light in the near darkness was the moon.verbsdarkness falls/comes also darkness descends literary As darkness fell, rescue workers had to give up the search.darkness closes in literary (=it becomes darker outside) The rain turned to snow and darkness closed in.prepositionsin darkness All the lights went out, leaving the room in complete darkness.into the darkness The car disappeared into the darkness.out of the darkness The house seemed suddenly to appear out of the darkness.phrasesthe hours of darkness (=the night) Desert animals come out during the hours of darkness when it’s cool.under cover of darkness (=when darkness makes you less likely to be seen) The attack took place under cover of darkness.be plunged into darkness (=be suddenly in darkness because the lights go out) Suddenly the electricity went off and we were plunged into darkness.be shrouded in darkness (=be very dark) When I arrived, the apartment was shrouded in darkness.




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