

词组 cloud
cloud /klaʊd/ noun 1. a white or grey mass in the sky formed from very small drops of wateradjectives/nouns + clouda dark/grey/black cloud Dark clouds usually mean rain.a white cloud There was a bright blue sky with a few white clouds.heavy/thick cloud By midday, heavy cloud had spread across the sky.low/high cloud Low cloud spoiled our view from the top of the hills.storm/rain clouds Dark storm clouds were moving in from the Atlantic.a threatening cloud (=looking as if it will produce rain) By ten o’clock the threatening clouds had vanished and the town was bathed in sunlight.Thundercloud is written as one word: He pointed to the black thunderclouds overhead.verbsclouds gather/form The sky had darkened and clouds had gathered.clouds cover/hide sth also clouds obscure sth formal The moon was now hidden by clouds and the sky was dark.clouds clear/lift (=disappear) At last the rain had stopped and the clouds had cleared.clouds part (=move away from each other) Suddenly the clouds that covered the moon parted.clouds move/roll A narrow band of cloud has been moving across the country.clouds drift/float (=move slowly) A few clouds drifted across the top of the mountains.clouds race/scud (=move quickly) A strong wind was blowing and the clouds were scudding across the sky.clouds hang above/over a place Heavy grey clouds hung over the town.cloud + nounscloud cover (=cloud across the whole sky) The cloud cover should disappear by the afternoon.a cloud formation formal (=a shape in which cloud forms) His notebooks contain careful descriptions of cloud formations.phrasesa bank/mass of cloud (=a large amount of cloud) A heavy bank of cloud was creeping across the sky.a band of cloud (=a long narrow area) Long narrow bands of cloud stretched across the valley.a layer of cloud The moon was shining through a thin layer of cloud.a blanket/veil of cloud (=a layer of cloud which stops you being able to see something) In the morning, a blanket of cloud still covered the hills.wisps of cloud (=long thin pieces) The plane flew through occasional wisps of cloud.a break/gap in the cloud(s) The moon was visible through breaks in the cloud.the sun breaks through the clouds (=it starts to be seen) The late morning sun was beginning to break through the clouds.THESAURUS: cloud fog very thick cloud near the ground which is difficult to see through: The cars crashed into each other in thick fog. | The fog had lifted slightly (=disappeared) and we were able to see the shapes of the mountains. mist light cloud near the ground that makes it difficult for you to see very far. Mist is usually not as thick as fog. You often get mist near areas of water or mountains: The morning mist was lifting and the sun was coming up. | A grey mist hung over the water. | The hills were shrouded in mist (=surrounded by mist). haze smoke, dust, or mist in the air which is difficult to see through: He saw the horses coming towards him through a haze of dust. | The road shimmered in the heat haze. | A pale blue haze hung over the far-off mountains. smog dirty air that looks like a mixture of smoke and fog, caused by smoke from cars and factories in cities: The city is covered in smog for much of the year. | A smog warning was issued for parts of Southern Oregon. thundercloud a large dark cloud that you see before or during a storm: He watched the thunderclouds roll across the valley. vapour trail BrE vapor trail AmE the white line that is left in the sky by a plane: High overhead, a jet left its vapour trail across the blue sky.2. a mass of dust, smoke etc in the airphrasesa cloud of dust/ash also a dust/ash cloud The car disappeared down the road in a cloud of white dust. | The plane flew into a volcanic ash cloud.a cloud of smoke/steam/gas The fire sent up a huge cloud of smoke.adjectives/nouns + clouda great/big/huge/vast cloud of sth Where the bomb had landed, there was a great cloud of dust.a thick/dense cloud of sth These volcanic eruptions throw up dense clouds of ash.a swirling cloud (=moving around and around) A swirling cloud of smoke hid everything.a billowing cloud (=rising and moving outwards) Another piece of wall collapsed, sending up a billowing cloud of dust.verbsa cloud rises When I turned over, a big cloud of dust rose from the mattress.




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