

词组 unusual
unusual /ʌnˈjuːʒuəl, -ʒəl/ adjective different from what is usual or normaladverbsvery/most unusual Gandhi was a most unusual politician.extremely/highly unusual We’ve not had any snow yet, which is extremely unusual.nounsan unusual situation Nobody was really prepared for such an unusual situation.unusual circumstances Because he died in unusual circumstances, there will be an investigation.an unusual event/occurrence The severe flooding was the result of a series of unusual events.an unusual case The case is unusual because the victim’s body has never been found.an unusual feature The most unusual feature of the room is the large round window.an unusual name Rover is an unusual name for a cat.phrasessomething/nothing/anything unusual Did you notice anything unusual about him? | We want to know if anyone saw something unusual last night. | There is nothing unusual about the arrangement.take the unusual step of doing sth The transport ministry took the unusual step of closing the airport.THESAURUS: unusual rareoccasion | opportunity | occurrence | case | instance | event | species | breed | plant | bird not happening very often, or existing only in small numbers: He never cried except on rare occasions. | This is a rare opportunity to see examples of life from thousands of years ago. | This is one of those rare cases where both sides have won. | In those days, divorce was a relatively rare event. | They found a rare species of butterfly. | They keep rare breeds of cattle. | Hatton gathered many rare plants from all over the world. exoticplace | location | destination | setting | lands | plant | flower | animal | bird | wildlife | food | fruit | perfume something that is exotic seems unusual and interesting because it is in or from a country that is far away: He enjoys spending his holidays in exotic places. | Tahiti is an exotic setting for a honeymoon. | She dreamt of travelling to exotic lands in the Far East. | The garden is famous for its collection of exotic plants from all over the world. | Snakes and other such exotic animals are not suitable pets for children. | A zoo gives you the opportunity to see exotic wildlife such as crocodiles and elephants. | The menu offers a variety of exotic food. | Nowadays, exotic fruit such as mangoes is available in many European supermarkets. | Ancient traders traveled long distances to acquire and trade exotic perfumes. exceptional /ɪkˈsepʃənəl/circumstances very unusual and happening very rarely: 90-day visas can be extended only in exceptional circumstances. | The presence of a jury in a civil trial is now quite exceptional. out of the ordinary unusual and surprising or special: It was a small village where nothing out of the ordinary ever seemed to happen. | Did you notice anything out of the ordinary about his behaviour? freakaccident | occurrence | storm | wave | wind extremely unusual and unexpected: Their car was crushed by a tree in a freak accident. | There is always a risk of a freak occurrence. | The boat sank in a freak storm. | A freak wave wrecked most of the seafront.Freak is always used before a noun in this sense. unprecedented /ʌnˈpresədentəd, ʌnˈpresɪdentəd/number | step if something is unprecedented, it has never happened before: An unprecedented number of students have received top grades. | He took the unprecedented step of granting an interview to a Russian journalist (=he did something that had never been done before). | This kind of deal is completely unprecedented. unheard of if something is unheard of, it has never happened or been done before – used especially when something seems very surprising to people at that time: In our small town, this kind of crime was almost unheard of. | Mobile phones were completely unheard of in those days. eccentricbehaviour | millionaire | inventor | appearance behaving in a way that seems rather strange but not frightening: The students were used to his somewhat eccentric behaviour (=rather eccentric). | The house was owned by an eccentric millionaire. | He was a small man with white hair and an eccentric appearance. unconventionalmethod | way | approach | idea very different from the way in which people usually do something, often in a way that seems interesting: Laing has developed some rather unconventional methods for communicating to his troops. | Hathaway has come under criticism for her unconventional way of raising her three children by keeping them out of school and letting them gain real-life experiences. | His approach to business may seem unconventional, but he certainly gets results. unorthodoxview | opinion | method | way | approach | manner | behaviour | idea unorthodox ideas or methods are different from the usual ones, and therefore seem surprising to many people: He is known for his highly unorthodox political views. | The school uses some unorthodox teaching methods. | This book takes an unorthodox approach to art criticism. | They behaved in a most unorthodox manner. | Her parents were surprised by her somewhat unorthodox behaviour (=rather unorthodox behaviour). | The coach had some rather unorthodox ideas about training.




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