

词组 tiring
tiring /ˈtaɪərɪŋ $ ˈtaɪr-/ adjective making you feel that you want to sleep or restnounsa tiring day/morning/week I’ve had a tiring day and I want to have a rest.a tiring job/tiring work It was tiring work pulling the sails up and down.a tiring journey/drive They reached Las Vegas after a long and tiring journey.verbsget tiring I like shopping but it gets tiring after a while.find sth tiring Many people find it tiring to have to speak in a foreign language all day.prepositionssth is tiring for sb One-to-one teaching is tiring for both the learner and the teacher.THESAURUS: tiring exhaustingday | experience | work | task | process | journey | tour | schedule extremely tiring: It had been a long and exhausting day. | The three-week competition was an exhausting experience for the players. | Chopping up wood is exhausting work. | It was an exhausting process trying to find our way out of the forest. | They set off on an exhausting journey all the way across Russia. | He and Diana had just returned from an exhausting tour of America. | I had to drive nine hours without a break – it was exhausting. hardday | job | work | journey | drive | game | race | life very tiring and difficult: She came home after a hard day at the office. | Bringing up a child is hard work. | We knew it would be a long hard game. | It’s a hard life being a farmer. | It’s hard getting up at 5 a.m. every day. | He found the training really hard. gruelling BrE grueling AmEjourney | flight | tour | schedule | season | race | campaign | climb | ordeal very tiring and needing a lot of effort over a long period of time: Steinbeck’s novel is about a family’s grueling journey across America in search of work. | The team face a gruelling schedule of five games in three days. | The marathon is a particularly gruelling race. | The two candidates have just finished a gruelling five-week election campaign. | The journey to the South Pole was a gruelling ordeal (=a very tiring experience which lasted a long time). punishingschedule | regime very tiring and needing a lot of effort over a long period of time: He has a punishing schedule of conferences, talks, and lectures. | The new soldiers go through a punishing physical regime (=a very tiring set of things that you have to do each day).Punishing or gruelling?These words mean the same. Punishing is usually used about schedules. backbreakingwork backbreaking work is extremely tiring and needs a lot of physical effort: Clearing the land was slow backbreaking work. wearing /ˈweərɪŋ $ ˈwer-/ tiring and often boring or annoying, because the same thing happens many times: He found her constant questions rather wearing. | Kids of that age can be very wearing. | It gets wearing being on stage every night.Wearing is not used before a noun.




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