

词组 spending
spending /ˈspendɪŋ/ noun the amount of money that someone spends – used especially about the government, or about people in generaladjectives/nouns + spendingtotal spending Total spending on healthcare increased by over 10%.annual spending The government needs to reduce annual spending on defence.additional/extra spending The council has plans for additional spending on roads.public/government/state spending The government is determined to keep public spending under control.consumer spending (=spending by members of the public) There are some signs that consumer spending is increasing.defence/welfare/education etc spending (=spending on defence etc) Further cuts in defence spending are being considered.federal spending (=by a national government, especially in the US) Republicans want major reductions in federal spending.capital spending (=spending on buildings and equipment) The organization is planning to reduce capital spending by 20%.campaign spending (=spending on political campaigns) Should there be stricter limits on campaign spending?verbsincrease/raise spending The socialists want to increase public spending and raise taxes.cut/reduce spending The alternative to earning more money is to cut spending.control/cap spending The minister emphasized the need to cap public spending.spending + nounsa spending cut The government announced big spending cuts.a spending increase There is not likely to be a public spending increase for several years.spending habits/patterns Supermarkets collect information on the spending habits of their customers.a spending limit/cap Should there be a spending cap on these large public projects?a spending plan The department has published its spending plans for the coming year.a spending review European finance ministers will carry out a thorough spending review in the spring.spending commitments The party should not make spending commitments that the country cannot afford.spending priorities The document outlines the government’s spending priorities for this year.prepositionsspending on sth It seems likely that spending on welfare will be cut.phrasesan increase/rise in spending She called for an increase in spending on hospitals.a cut in spending How can schools improve if there are more cuts in education spending?a decline/drop/slowdown in spending Shops are seeing a decline in spending on luxury items.THESAURUS: spending expenditure formal the amount of money that a government, organization, or person spends during a particular period of time – used especially in official documents or reports: Government expenditure on healthcare was consistently high during this period. | They want to increase military expenditure. | Expenditure on advertising has gone down. costs the money that a person or organization has to spend on heating, rent, wages etc: Falling sales have forced companies to cut costs. | What are your annual fuel costs? | Increased oil prices will put up food costs (=make them increase). | Companies are always looking at ways to keep down plant costs (=the cost of the staff, buildings, equipment etc needed to produce goods). expenses the money that you spend on things that you need, for example on food, rent, and travel: Living expenses are much higher in New York. | I kept a record of all my travel expenses so that I could claim them back. outgoings the money that someone has to spend regularly on rent, bills, food etc for their home or business: The monthly outgoings on a house this size are very high. | I don’t have a record of our total outgoings. outlay the amount of money that someone must spend when they first start a new business or activity: The initial outlay on machinery was quite high. | We have got back our original capital outlay (=the money you spent). overhead also overhead BrE the money that a business spends regularly on rent, insurance, and other things that are needed to keep the business operating: In London, small businesses often have high overheads.




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