

词组 acquaintance
acquaintance /əˈkweɪntəns/ noun 1. someone you know, but who is not a close friendadjectives/nouns + acquaintancean old acquaintance I met an old acquaintance outside the museum.a new acquaintance My new acquaintance kept asking me questions.a casual acquaintance He nodded at her, as if she was just a casual acquaintance.a personal acquaintance Many people said that they obtained their jobs through a personal acquaintance.a mutual acquaintance (=someone you both know separately) They were introduced to each other by a mutual acquaintance.a male/female acquaintance An elderly female acquaintance of ours has several cats.a business acquaintance We are business acquaintances of your husband.a lawyer/journalist etc acquaintance I heard about it from a lawyer acquaintance.phrasesan acquaintance of mine/his etc He introduced me to an acquaintance of his, who had visited Tokyo.a circle of acquaintances (=group of acquaintances) They now had a wide circle of acquaintances.friends and acquaintances Ask your friends and acquaintances if they know of any job vacancies.2. the situation of knowing someone, but not as a close friendverbsmake sb’s acquaintance (=meet someone for the first time) It’s a pleasure to make your acquaintance.strike up an acquaintance (=start an acquaintance) I struck up an acquaintance with one of my fellow passengers.renew sb’s acquaintance (=meet someone again after not seeing them for a long time) It will be nice to renew my acquaintance with him.adjectivesa short/brief acquaintance He had found the captain to be a sensible man during their brief acquaintance.phrasesa man/woman etc of sb’s acquaintance formal One lady of my acquaintance spends nearly half her salary on clothes.on first acquaintance formal (=when you first meet someone) On first acquaintance, she seems rather unfriendly.on further/closer acquaintance formal (=when you get to know someone better) Hurley did not improve on further acquaintance.3. formal knowledge or experience of something, especially only a littleadjectivesa passing/nodding acquaintance (=a slight knowledge of it) You will need at least a nodding acquaintance with Medieval Latin.phraseshave some/little acquaintance with sth He had little acquaintance with such matters.




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