

词组 ready
ready /ˈredi/ adjective 1. if you are ready, you are prepared for what you are going to doadverbscompletely/all ready Let me know when you’re completely ready.almost/nearly ready We’re almost ready – we’ll be with you in a second.ready yet Can you wait a minute? I’m not ready yet.verbsget ready Why does it take you so long to get ready to go out?make ready formal (=get ready) The crew started making ready for the journey home.get sb/sth ready I need to get the children ready for school.prepositionsready for sb/sth Are you ready for your trip?phrasesready to leave/go/start etc Everything’s packed, and we’re ready to leave.ready and waiting When the doorbell rang he was ready and waiting.ready for anything I felt strong, fit, and ready for anything.THESAURUS: ready prepared ready to deal with a situation, because you are expecting it or have made careful preparations: The police were prepared for trouble. | The team looked well-prepared for the game. be all set to be ready to start doing something that you have planned to do, and be just about to do it: We were all set for a barbecue when it started to rain. be good to go AmE informal be ready to start doing something after completing all the necessary preparations: We just need to get you a pair of skis and you’re good to go. ripe ripe fruit are soft, sweet, and ready to eat: Don’t pick the apples until they’re really ripe. | a delicious ripe plum be in place if the arrangements or the equipment for doing something are in place, they are ready to start being used: All the arrangements are in place for a new constitution and democratic elections. | The television cameras were in place for the wedding. be standing by if people are standing by, they are ready to take action and help if they are needed – used especially about medical teams, police, the army etc: Officers in full riot gear were standing by outside the police station. | Several ambulances were standing by.2. willing to do somethingadverbsalways ready His father was always ready to give advice.more than ready/only too ready (=very willing) The local people were more than ready to help us.phrasesready and willing His boss said he was ready and willing to consider any suggestions.




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