

词组 radical
radical AC /ˈrædɪkəl/ adjective very different from what happened before or to what is usualnounsa radical change The move to the country would mean a radical change in lifestyle.a radical transformation (=a complete change in appearance) The city has undergone a radical transformation.a radical departure from sth (=something very different) The design of the building is a radical departure from tradition.radical reform He said the institution was in need of radical reform.a radical overhaul (=big changes in order to improve something) The government is planning a radical overhaul of the health care system.radical measures (=extreme actions) Instead of retreating, he suggested even more radical measures.a radical idea/view His ideas on education were too radical for most people to accept.a radical solution One scientist proposed a radical solution to the problem.a radical approach A more radical approach is needed.a radical rethink (=when you think about a plan or idea again in a very different way) The Conservative Party leader called for a radical rethink of economic policy.




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