

词组 predict
predict AC /prɪˈdɪkt/ verb [T] to say that something will happen, before it happensadverbsaccurately/precisely/correctly predict sth They correctly predicted the result of the election.successfully/reliably predict sth It is difficult to reliably predict when an earthquake will happen.wrongly predict sth The weather forecasters wrongly predicted a long hot summer.be widely predicted (=by many people) Usain Bolt is widely predicted to win a gold medal.verbstry/attempt to predict Scientists are trying to predict how the Amazon will look in 20 years’ time.phrasessth is difficult/hard/impossible to predict It is impossible to predict how she will react.predict sth with accuracy/certainty No one can predict with any certainty what will happen with this type of investment.as predicted As predicted, our team won.I can confidently predict that... (=used when you are sure that something will happen) I can confidently predict that you will enjoy this book.THESAURUS: predict forecast to say what is likely to happen in the future, especially in relation to the weather or the economic or political situation: They’re forecasting a hard winter. | In order to forecast the weather accurately, you have to understand the atmosphere. | Economists forecast that there would be a recession. | Unemployment is forecast to rise sharply. project to say what the amount, size, cost etc of something is likely to be in the future, using the information you have now: The world’s population is projected to rise by 45%. | They are projecting that inflation will increase gradually. can say especially spoken be able to know what will happen in the future: No one can say what the next fifty years will bring. | I can’t say exactly how much it will cost. foretellfuture to say correctly what will happen in the future, using special religious or magical powers: The woman claimed that she had the gift of foretelling the future. | It all happened as the prophet had foretold. prophesy to say that something will happen because you feel that it will, or by using special religious or magical powers: He prophesied that the world would end in 2012. | Marx prophesied that capitalism would destroy itself. | He’s one of those people who are always prophesying disaster. | The coming of a great Messiah is prophesied in the Bible. foreseeproblem | difficulty | risk | possibility | outcome | future | circumstances | day to know that something is going to happen before it happens: They should have foreseen these problems. | The company ought to have foreseen the possibility of the chemicals coming into contact with the drinking water. | No one foresaw the outcome of the war. | I cannot foresee any circumstances in which we would allow this to happen. | He can already foresee the day when sales begin to fall. have a premonition to have a strange feeling that something is about to happen, especially something bad, usually just before it happens: Suddenly I had a strange premonition of danger ahead. | She had a premonition that something terrible was about to happen.




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