

词组 accuracy
accuracy AC /ˈækərəsi, ˈækʊrəsi/ noun the ability to do something in an accurate or exact wayGrammarAccuracy is often used in the phrase with accuracy.verbsmeasure sth with accuracy These tiny movements can be measured with incredible accuracy.predict sth with accuracy It is impossible to predict with complete accuracy what will happen next.determine/establish sth with accuracy Satellite navigation equipment makes it possible to determine your position with great accuracy.check/verify/assess the accuracy of sth How can we check the accuracy of these figures?question/doubt the accuracy of sth Some people questioned the accuracy of the research on climate change.improve/increase the accuracy of sth The new equipment will greatly improve the accuracy of the data.ensure the accuracy of sth (=make sure that something is accurate) Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of the information in this book.affect the accuracy of sth Several factors affect the accuracy of this dating technique.achieve a high accuracy Everyone thought that a watch could not possibly achieve the same accuracy as a clock.adjectiveswith great/remarkable accuracy He described the symptoms of the disease with great accuracy.with complete/absolute accuracy They predicted the result of the game with complete accuracy.with reasonable accuracy Doctors are often able to say with reasonable accuracy that a certain drug is likely to be the most effective.with deadly accuracy (=very accurately, causing death or a lot of damage) The planes hit their target with deadly accuracy.with pinpoint accuracy (=finding or hitting something with very great accuracy) The device helps you find your location with pinpoint accuracy.with uncanny accuracy (=surprising accuracy) She could imitate the teacher’s voice with uncanny accuracy.with unerring accuracy (=always very accurately) He always hits the ball with unerring accuracy.with high accuracy (=very accurately) The samples can be measured with high accuracy.historical/scientific/technical accuracy There is a lack of scientific accuracy in some news reports. | She did research to ensure the historical accuracy of her novels.factual accuracy (=all the facts are accurate) They checked the article for factual accuracy before it was printed.prepositionswith accuracy It is impossible to predict the weather with complete accuracy.phrasesa degree/level of accuracy Teachers can predict who will pass an exam with a high degree of accuracy.




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