

词组 old-fashioned
old-fashioned /ˌəʊld ˈfæʆnd/ adjective not considered to be modern or fashionable any moreverbsseem old-fashioned Some of their ideas about women seem rather old-fashioned.look old-fashioned The design of the car now looks very old-fashioned.nounsin the old-fashioned way They still make the wine in the old-fashioned way.old-fashioned virtues/values She says she believes in the old-fashioned virtues of honesty and reliability.phrasesgood old-fashioned... He doesn’t like emails – he prefers good old-fashioned pen and paper.call me old-fashioned spoken (=used when saying that you do not care if other people think that you are old-fashioned) Call me old-fashioned, but I think a lot of modern art is rubbish.THESAURUS: old-fashioned out of dateinformation | statistics | map | book | guidebook not containing the most recent information and therefore not useful: The information on the website is already out of date. | The map we were using was out of date. | Guidebooks quickly go out of date (=become out of date). Out of date is less common before a noun. If you use it before a noun, it needs to have hyphens: an out-of-date map. datedpicture | music | song | book | decor used about styles etc that were fashionable until recently but now look old-fashioned: The pictures in this book already look a bit dated. | Some of his music sounds rather dated. | I liked the food but the decor in the restaurant was very dated (=the decoration looked old-fashioned). Dated is less common before a noun. outdatedequipment | methods | practices | technology | concept used about machines, equipment, or methods that are old-fashioned and have been replaced by better, more recent ones: The country has some of the world’s most dangerous mines, due to outdated equipment and poor safety standards. | The department of transport uses outdated methods to assess the impact of roads on the environment. | Businesses are still using outdated practices that prevent them from being competitive (=outdated ways of doing things). | Many outdated technologies, which should have been replaced, are still in use. | In today’s world, technology rapidly becomes outdated. | The royal family now seems an outdated concept in the modern world. obsolete old-fashioned – used about machines and equipment that are no longer being produced because better ones have been invented: These days, you buy a computer and it becomes obsolete almost immediately. | The old type of cameras were rendered obsolete by the arrival of digital technology (=made obsolete). | Many laboratories use obsolete equipment and do not receive enough funding. antiquated formalsystem | method | equipment old and not suitable for modern needs and conditions: Banks are using a mixture of electronic and antiquated paper-based systems. | The house has an antiquated central heating system which was put in when it was first built. | Law colleges still use the same antiquated methods of teaching and learning. | Unsafe and antiquated equipment was still in use at the factory until very recently. passé formal no longer fashionable – used especially about ways of doing and thinking about things: The musicals and light comedies for which she was famous have become passé. | His designs now seem a bit passé.Passé is not usually used before a noun. sth is so last year informal used when saying that something is now very unfashionable – a very informal use: Black is so last year. | Blogging is already starting to feel so last year.ANTONYMS modern (2)




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