

词组 slider
释义 slider
  1. an electronic device that allows operation between authorised channels on a citizens’ band radio US
    • — “Slingo”, The Official CB Slang Dictionary Handbook, p. 56, 1976
  2. a gambler who slides rather than rolls dice in an effort to control the result US
    • — Victor H. Royer, Casino Gamble Talk, p. 122, 2003
  3. a hamburger or cheeseburger US
    Originally the small hamburgers sold by the White Tower chain, later any hamburger.
    • — Laurence Urdang, Names and Nicknames of Places and Things, p. 232, 1987
    • After they had eaten in the formal wardroom (they were fortunate; the meal was real meat in the form of “sliders and rollers,” cheeseburgers and hot dogs), they visited Tim’s tiny stateroom. — Gerry Carroll, North S*A*R, p. 133, 1991




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