释义 |
gander noun a look US, 1914- I just had a gander at the notice-board. — J.E. MacDonnell, Don’t Gimme the Ships, p. 136, 1960
- Let’s have a gander under that plaster. — Barry Oakley, A Salute to the Great McCarthy, p. 152, 1970
▶ cop a gander to look at, especially with discretion US- — Hyman E. Goldin et al., Dictionary of American Underworld Lingo, p. 49, 1950
▶ get your gander up to become annoyed or angry UK A variation, probably by mis-hearing, of DANDER.- [I]f there’s one thing that gets my gander up, it people who say breeze block walls are just as good as thermalite walls[.] — Danny King, The Bank Robber Diaries, pp. 31–32, 2002