

词组 suck
释义 suck
  1. to be useless, unpopular, distasteful, of no worth US, 1965
    When the term came into currency in the US in the 1960s, sexual connotations made it a vulgar, taboo-ridden term. By the mid-1990s, all sense of taboo had vanished in the US except for older speakers for whom the sexual connotation remained inescapable. In UK English, the term, first used as a noun (1913) expressing contempt, never enjoyed the sexual implications found in the US. If anything, there was long an upper-class air to the term thanks in part to the “Yah boo, sucks to you” catchphrase associated with Billy Bunter, a fat upper-crust schoolboy created by author Frank Richards.
    • I wrote on the wall, “Franz Kafka sucks.” — The Joint, p. 205, 21 February 1963
    • The Button Store must hae made their bundle early because they closed before midnight. This left one frozen youth standing in the blizzard with icicles hanging off his rock ’n’ roll hair. “Dammit! I wanted to get a ‘Santa Sucks’ button!” — Village Voice, p. 10, 5 January 1967
    • The Belly Button Company is proud to present its superior collection of butter buttons. IT SUCKS. DRACULA SUCKS. — Village Voice, p. 19, 29 June 1967
    • The show is fine but the P.R. girl and her staff suck. — Screw, p. 2, 21 March 1969
    • — Elizabeth Ball Carr, Da Kine Talk, p. 151, 1972
    • She looked around and announced, “You all suck.” — Timothy Crouse, The Boys on the Bus, p. 363, 1973
    • I thought it sucked, and I bet next summer’ll suck too. — George V. Higgins, The Judgment of Deke Hunter, p. 51, 1976
    • All cash boxes from booths are emptied at the end of the week, with amounts varying drastically–this week’s haul sucks. — Josh Alan Friedman, Tales of Times Square, p. 72, 1986
    • The dope sucks lately and the dealers are worse. — Jim Carroll, Forced Entries, p. 114, 1987
    • Hey, man, fuck Marky Mark. That guy sucks. — Airheads, 1994
    • What do think of the system so far? / It sucks — Ian Dury, Jack Shit George, 1998
    • [W]hen a few of the boys started taking their tops off and they’re all sweaty and wet–that kind of sucks. — Ben Malbon, Cool Places, p. 278, 1998
    • And then today he takes me by his gallery, to see his new show? And it sucks. — 200 Cigarettes, 1999
    • It’s cool to be the player, but it sucks to be the fan[.] — Eminem (Marshall Mathers), Rock Bottom, 1999
  2. to perform oral sex US, 1881
    • Were you ever caught sucking a girl? — Screw, p. 5, 7 March 1969
    • [H]ow do you say, “sucked him”? Yes? — Terry Southern, Blue Movie, p. 83, 1970
    • “I don’t need this jive suckin’ guys in the booths for the twenty bucks and the bottle of water champagne.” — William Brashler, City Dogs, p. 29, 1976
  3. to consume alcoholic drinks AUSTRALIA
    • Let’s suck a jug. — J.E. MacDonnell, Don’t Gimme the Ships, p. 52, 1960
    • A couple of blokes were sucking a seven[.] — Sam Weller, Old Bastards I Have Met, p. 142, 1979
  4. in pool, to hit the cue ball with backspin that appears to draw or suck the cue ball backwards after it strikes the object ball US, 1990
    • — Mike Shamos, The Illustrated Encyclopedia of Billiards, p. 236, 1993
it sucks to be you
used for expressing a trace of commiseration in a situation that might call for a bit more US
  • — Connie Eble (Editor), UNC-CH Campus Slang, p. 5, Spring 1993
  • I shrugged. Despite the laborious and inefficient method, I doubted Matthew had struck at it long enough to be worthy of sympathy. “Sucks to be you.” — Jim Munroe, Angry Young Spaceman, p. 204, 2001
suck ass; suck arse
to behave subserviently US
A variation of KISSARSE/ASS.
  • As for going to NY and sucking asses to get published, don’t worry, if you’re any good I’ll get you read by the Farting-Through-Silk set, you won’t have to stir a bone. — Jack Kerouac, Letter to Philip Whalen, p. 565, 6 March 1956
  • But it’s the guys who suck ass with the caddy master who get that action. — James Ellroy, Brown’s Requiem, p. 63, 1981
suck butt
to curry favour US
  • — Judi Sanders, Da Bomb, p. 15, 1997
suck cock
to perform oral sex on a man US, 1941
  • Sharon was munching wetly, moaning all over Lenny’s dick, tugging his balls and working her mouth–she was born to suck cock. — Letters to Penthouse V, p. 69, 1995
suck diesel
to make rapid progress; to move rapidly, especially in a motor vehicle IRELAND
  • Now you’re sucking diesel. — Eamonn Sweeney, Waiting for the Healer, p. 124, 1997
suck face
to kiss, especially in a prolonged fashion US
Hawaiian youth usage.
  • — Douglas Simonson, Pidgin to da Max Hana Hou, 1982
  • Mug down Suck face. — Jim Humes and Sean Wagstaff, Boarderlands, p. 223, 1995
  • Lendon an’ Jace’re suckfacin’ by the fag machine. — Nick Barlay, Curvy Lovebox, p. 134, 1997
suck milk
to be knocked off your surfboard and then be thrashed by a wave US
  • — Trevor Cralle, The Surfin’ary, p. 125, 1991
suck out loud
to be very bad US
  • — Michael Dalton Johnson, Talking Trash with Redd Foxx, p. 138, 1994
suck salt
to experience difficulties TRINIDAD AND TOBAGO, 1966
  • Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad & Tobago, 2003
suck suds
to drink beer US
  • — Marcus Hanna Boulware, Jive and Slang of Students in Negro Colleges, 1947
  • Current Slang, p. 10, Spring 1969
suck the arse out of a durry
to smoke a hand-rolled cigarette to the very end NEW ZEALAND
  • — David McGill, David McGill’s Complete Kiwi Slang Dictionary, p. 121, 1998
suck the big one
to be terrible US
  • This scene sucks the big one, I thought. — Rita Ciresi, Pink Slip, p. 295, 1999
suck to the bulls
to act friendly with police US
  • — Paladin Press, Inside Look at Outlaw Motorcycle Gangs, p. 38, 1992
suck tubes
to smoke marijuana US
  • — Connie Eble (Editor), UNC-CH Campus Slang, p. 9, Spring 1998
suck weight
to drink large amounts of liquids in a short period in order to gain weight to qualify for a sporting event US
  • — Judy’s Enterprises, Coxswain Postcard, 2001
suck wind
to fail; to lose out US
Hawaiian youth usage.
  • — Elizabeth Ball Carr, Da Kine Talk:, p. 151, 1972
suck your flavour; suck your flava
to copy your style US
  • People Magazine, p. 72, 19 July 1993
sucks a big dog’s dick
to be terrible US
  • And as for your analysis of the feminist error, Wein, I’ve heard it before and it sucks a big dog’s dick — John Sayles, Union Dues, p. 129, 1977




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