释义 |
●ˌlog ˈin/ˈon●ˌlog ˈinto/ˈonto sth (computing 计算机) to perform the actions that allow you to begin using a computer system 登录,登入,进入(计算机系统)◆I got an error message when I tried to log in / on. 我想登录时信息提示登录有误。◆The password allows the user to log onto the system. 用户输入密码可进入系统。OBJ system, network, computer OPP log off/out, log off/out of sth NOTE Log into/onto sth can be used in the pattern be logged into/onto sth * log into/onto sth 可用 be logged into/onto sth 的句型◆I was logged onto the Internet. 我连上了互联网。[v + adv] [v + prep] |