释义 |
●ˈgo to sth1. to start to do sth; to begin to be in a particular state or condition 开始着手(某事);进入,陷入(某种境地或状况)◆The two countries are set to go to war over the dispute. 为了解决这场争端,两国准备开战。◆I hate to see food going to waste. 我痛恨糟蹋食物。◆My brain went to work on (= started to think about) what I should do next. 我开始考虑下一步的打算。OBJ only war, waste, work2. to make a lot of effort, spend a lot of money, etc. in order to do or achieve sth 花费(精力、金钱等)做◆Don’t go to any trouble on my behalf. 不要为我费心。◆Why go to the expense of buying a car? 为什么花钱买车呢?◆He went to great pains to persuade us. 他苦口婆心地规劝我们。◆It’s amazing the lengths people will go to to get a job. 人们为找份工作煞费周章,令人惊叹。OBJ only trouble, expense, pains, lengths[v + prep + n] ●go to the ˈdogs (informal) to get into a very bad state 衰落;没落◆Some people think this country is going to the dogs. 有人认为这个国家正走向没落。●go to sb’s ˈhead1. (of alcohol 酒) to make sb feel drunk 使醉;上头2. (of success, praise, etc. 成功、赞扬等) to make sb feel very proud of themselves, especially in a way that other people find annoying (使)冲昏头脑,扬扬自得,忘乎所以●go to ˈpieces (informal) if sb goes to pieces, they become so upset or frightened that they cannot live or work normally 萎靡不振;崩溃;心慌意乱◆It seems he goes to pieces in a crisis. 他好像危机临头就吓破了胆。●go to ˈpot (informal) to be spoiled because people are not working hard or taking care of things (因不努力或不上心而)荒废,完蛋◆His plan to make money had gone to pot. 他赚钱的计划泡汤了。●go to ˈsleep1. to fall asleep 入睡;睡着2. if part of your body goes to sleep, you lose the sense of feeling in it (身体部位)麻木,毫无知觉●go to ˈtown (on sth)to do sth with a lot of energy and enthusiasm, especially spending a lot of money (尤指花大钱)大干一番,全力以赴◆They hadn’t got a garden, so they really went to town on indoor plants. 他们没有花园,所以十分热衷于栽培室内植物。●go to the ˈwallif a company or a business goes to the wall, it fails because of a lack of money (公司或企业因缺乏资金而)走投无路,倒闭,破产 |