

词组 go around
释义 ˌgo aˈround 🔑ˌgo aˈround sth 🔑 (BrE also ˌgo ˈround, ˌgo ˈround sth) 1. to visit a group of people or places, one by one 逐一见某人(或到某处);走遍I’ll go around and check all the doors are locked.
We spent all afternoon going round the shops.
She went round the table and said goodbye to everyone.
2. (of a note, etc. 字条等) to be sent round a group of people so that everyone can read it 被传阅A card’s going around for people to sign.
A memo went around the department.
3. (BrE also ˌgo aˈbout, ˌgo aˈbout sth) if a piece of news, an illness, etc. goes around, it spreads from one person to another (在…)流传,传播There’s a rumour going around that Sam and Kate are having an affair.
There’s a nasty virus going round the school.
SYN float around, float around sth
4. to move or be placed in a circle 旋转;转动The cyclist was going round the roundabout the wrong way.
The earth goes round the sun.
(figurative) We’re going round in circles in this argument.
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析go around
circle (sth) ◇ go round/around (sth) ◇ revolve (round/around sth) ◇ rotate ◇ spin (round/around sth) ◇ turn
These verbs all mean to move around a central point. 这些动词都表示旋转、转动、绕转。
circle (sth)
to move in a circle, especially in the air (尤指在空中)旋转,盘旋,环绕Birds were circling overhead. 鸟儿在头顶上盘桓。The plane had to circle the airport for another 30 minutes before landing. 着陆前,飞机不得不在机场上空又盘旋了 30 分钟。

go round / around (sth)
to spin or move around in a circle (绕…)旋转,转动The wheel was going round and round. 轮子在转个不停。The earth goes around the sun. 地球围绕太阳转。

revolve (round / around sth)
to move in a circle around a central point 旋转;转动;绕转People used to think that the sun revolved around the earth. 过去人们认为太阳绕着地球转。The ceiling fan revolved slowly overhead. 吊扇在头顶上慢慢转动。

to move in a circle around a fixed central point 旋转;转动;绕转Make sure that the propeller can rotate freely. 要确保螺旋桨能不受阻碍地旋转。

spin (round / around sth)
to turn round and round quickly (绕…)快速旋转The dancers spun round and round. 跳舞的人不停地旋转。The Earth spins around a central axis. 地球绕中心轴旋转。

to move around a central point 旋转;转动The wheels of the car began to turn. 车轮开始转起来。

When sth rotates or spins, it usually moves around its own centre; when sth revolves, it usually moves around a point outside itself. Rotate, spin and turn can be used with a direct object with the meaning of ‘make sth go round’ * rotate 或 spin 通常指围绕自身的中心转动; revolve 通常指围绕自身以外的中心点转动。rotate、spin 和 turn 可与直接宾语连用,表示“使转动”Rotate the wheel through 180 degrees. 将轮子旋转 180 度。Spin the coin. 转动硬币。Turn the wheel slowly. 慢慢转动轮子。
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSto spin / circle / rotate / revolve about sthto spin / turn / rotate faster (and faster) / rapidly / quickly to spin / turn / circle / rotate / revolve slowly
5. to be enough for everyone to have a share 足够分给每个人;足够每人一份There aren’t enough chairs to go round.
Is there enough food to go around all the guests?
6. to move around the outside of sth in order to get past sth or get to the other side 绕道;绕过We didn’t go into the city. We went around it.
Because of the flood, we had to go round by the minor roads to get to school.
7. to travel in a country or place and visit lots of different things 周游;遍览We travel around by bus.
They’re saving up to go around the world.
We’re planning to go round visiting all the temples.
8. to visit every part of a room or building (在房间或建筑物内)到处走动,看遍各处How long does it take to go around the museum?
A guide will go round with you.
[v + adv] [v + prep]
what ˌgoes around ˈcomes aroundwhatever happens now will have an effect in the future 种瓜得瓜,种豆得豆;善有善报,恶有恶报




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