

词组 pull
释义 pull /pʊl/ SEE ALLˌpull aˈheadˌpull aˈhead of sb/sthto move in front of sb/sth, especially suddenly or unexpectedly (突然或出人意料地)抢先,领先I pulled ahead of the other runners on the last straight.
[v + adv] [v + adv + prep]
ˌpull sb/sth aˈpart1. to separate sb/sth, often people or animals that are fighting 拉开,分开(打斗的人或动物)It took several of us to pull them apart.
SYN separate sb/sth (more formal)
2. to severely criticize sb/sth 严厉批评;斥责She pulled my work apart and made me do it again.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n] (less frequent)
ˌpull sth aˈpart 🔑to destroy sth or separate sth into pieces by pulling parts of it in different directions 毁坏;拆散;拆卸I pulled the machine apart, but couldn’t find what was wrong with it.
The fox was pulled apart by the dogs.
  note at tear sth up [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n] (less frequent)
ˌpull sb aˈsideto take sb to a quiet corner or place to talk to them privately 把某人拉到一旁(私下说话)I pulled him aside to warn him not to say anything.
SYN take sb aˈside[v + n/pron + adv]
ˌpull sth aˈsideto move sth such as a curtain so that you can see sth 拉开(帘子等)She pulled the curtain aside to reveal a small door.
OBJ curtain[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˈpull at sth1. to pull sth lightly several times especially to gain attention (尤指为引人注意)接连轻拽The little boy pulled anxiously at her sleeve.
2. pull on/at sth SYN tug at sth[v + prep]
ˌpull aˈway (from sth) 1. when a vehicle pulls away, it begins to move (车辆)开动The train was pulling away as we reached the station.
I started the engine and pulled away from the kerb.
2. to gradually move further in front of sb/sth; to start to win a game or competition by getting more points than your opponent 逐渐拉大(与对手的)距离(或比分);获胜在望The British boat began to pull away from the Italians (= in a race).
The German pair pulled away to finish three games ahead (= in tennis).
3. (from sb/sth) to move quickly away from sb/sth 迅速离开;逃脱She pulled away from him in horror.
[v + adv]
ˌpull sb/sth aˈway (from sb/sth) to make sb/sth move away from sb/sth 使远离;拉开I pulled her away from the edge.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌpull ˈback1. (from sb/sth) to move backwards away from sb/sth 退回;缩回He pulled back and stared at her in disbelief.
The camera then pulled back to a wider view.
2. to decide not to do sth you were intending to do, usually because of possible problems 退却;反悔Their sponsors pulled back from financing the movie.
SYN withdraw
[v + adv]
ˌpull ˈbackˌpull sb/sth ˈback1. to move back from a place; to make an army move back from a place 撤离;撤回(部队)2. (BrE, sport 体育) to improve a team’s position in a game 扭转颓势;挽回败局;翻盘Rangers pulled back to 4–3.
流浪者队以 4:3 反超。
They pulled back a goal in the last few minutes of the game.
[v + adv] [v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv]
ˌpull sb/sth ˈbackto hold sb/sth and move them/it backwards, sideways or away from sth 向后拉;拉到一旁;拽开I pulled the child back from the edge.
He pulled back the curtain.
She pulled the sheet back to show us the wound.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌpull sb ˈdown (informal, especially NAmE) to have a bad effect on sb’s health or happiness 使虚弱;使扫兴The strain is really pulling me down.
SYN get sb down[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌpull sth ˈdown 🔑1. to move sth from a higher to a lower position 拉下;放下She pulled down the blinds and locked the door.
He dried his hands and pulled down his sleeves.
OBJ blinds, trousers
2. (especially BrE) to destroy a building completely 摧毁,捣毁,拆除(建筑物)My old school has been pulled down.
OBJ house, building
SYN demolish sth
(more formal)   note at knock sth down
3. (computing 计算机) to make a list of possible choices appear on a computer screen by pressing one of the buttons on the mouse 下拉(选项菜单)4. (informal) pull sth in [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n] ˈpull-down


[only before noun]used to describe a list of possible choices that appears on a computer screen below a title 下拉式的a pull-down menu
ˈpull for sb/sth (NAmE) to support and encourage sb/sth and hope they will be successful 支持;激励Hang in there, we’re all pulling for you to win!
SYN root for sb/sth[v + prep]
ˌpull ˈin 🔑ˌpull ˈinto sth 🔑1. if a train or a bus pulls in, it arrives somewhere and stops (火车或公共汽车)到站,进站停靠The express pulled in on time.
The coach pulled into bay 27.
该辆长途汽车驶进了 27 号站台。
2. (BrE) if a vehicle or a driver pulls in, they move to the side of the road and stop (车辆或司机)驶向路边停靠Pull in in front of the bus.
He pulled into the parking lot and turned off the engine.
SYN draw in, draw into sth
OPP pull out
, pull out of sth
[v + adv] [v + prep]
ˌpull sb ˈin1. (informal) to bring sb to a police station in order to ask them questions 拘留(盘问)The police have pulled him in for questioning.
SYN bring sb in
2. if an event or a show pulls people in, it attracts people in large numbers (活动或演出)聚集,吸引(很多人)The show is still pulling in the crowds.
OBJ crowds, customers
SYN get sb in
1 [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]2 [v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv]
ˌpull sth ˈin ( ˌpull sth ˈdown) (informal) to earn a particular amount of money 赚,挣(钱)He must be pulling in a hundred thousand.
[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv] (rare)
ˌpull ˈoff 🔑ˌpull ˈoff sth 🔑 (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机) to leave the road in order to stop for a short time 驶离(公路)后短暂停车He pulled off onto the verge.
I pulled off the main road and stopped.
[v + adv] [v + prep + n]
ˌpull sb/sth ˈoffˌpull sb/sth ˈoff sb/sthto strongly pull away sb/sth that is attacking sb/sth else 用力拉开(进攻的人或动物)They tried to pull off the dogs with their hands.
He had to be pulled off the older man by two policemen.
[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv] [v + n/pron + prep]
ˌpull sth ˈoff1. to remove an item of clothing quickly or with difficulty (迅速或费力地)脱下(衣物)She pulled off her hat and gloves.
SYN take sth off
OPP pull sth on
2. (informal) to succeed in doing or achieving sth difficult 做成,完成(困难的事情)The goalie pulled off a terrific save.
If anyone can pull it off, I’m sure you can.
SYN bring sth off
1 [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]2 [v + adv + n] [v + pron + adv] [v + n + adv] (rare)
ˌpull sth ˈonto put an item of clothing on quickly or with difficulty (迅速或费力地)穿上(衣物)I pulled my shorts on and ran outside.
SYN put sth on
OPP pull sth off
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˈpull on/at sthto take long deep breaths from a cigarette, etc. 猛抽,狠吸(香烟等)She pulled on her cigar.
OBJ cigarette, cigar[v + prep]
ˌpull ˈout 🔑1. ( ˌpull ˈout of sth) if a train or bus pulls out, it leaves a place (火车或公共汽车)出站,驶离The train pulled out (of the station) on time.
SYN draw out, draw out of sth
OPP pull in
, pull into sth
2. [+ adv/prep] (of a vehicle or its driver 车辆或司机) to move away from the side of a road, from behind sth, etc. 驶离路边;超车I pulled out onto the main road.
A white van suddenly pulled out in front of me.
[v + adv]1 also [v + adv + prep]
ˌpull ˈout 🔑ˌpull ˈout of sth 🔑ˌpull sb/sth ˈout 🔑ˌpull sb/sth ˈout of sth 🔑1. to move or to make sb/sth move away from sth or stop being involved in it (使)脱离,退出They are pulling their troops out of the war zone.
2. ( ˌpull ˈout of doing sth, ˌpull sb/sth ˈout of doing sth) to stop being involved in sth or decide not to do sth you had promised to do; to make sb do this (使)退却,反悔The other firm wanted to pull out of the deal.
The manager has pulled the team out of the competition.
The company is pulling out of sponsoring the team.
SYN back out, back out of sth, back out of doing sth, withdraw (from sth) , withdraw sb/sth (from sth) (more formal) [v + adv] [v + prep] [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv + prep] ˈpull-out


an act of taking an army away from an area; an act of taking an organization out of a system, a deal, etc. (军队的)撤退,撤离;(机构的)撤出,退出their unexpected pull-out from the competition
ˌpull sth ˈout 🔑ˌpull sth ˈout of sth 🔑1. to take sth out of somewhere by pulling (从…)拉出,抽出,拽出He pulled an envelope out of his pocket.
The woman suddenly pulled out a knife.
2. to remove sth from sth else; to separate sth from sth else (从…)把…移开,分离出I pulled out the middle page of the magazine to show him.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + n/pron + adv + prep] ˈpull-out


a part of a magazine, newspaper, etc. that can be taken out easily and kept separately (报刊等的)可取出的插页an eight-page pull-out
a pull-out guide to health
ˌpull ˈover 🔑ˌpull sb/sth ˈover 🔑to move or to make sb/sth move, to the side of the road and stop (使)停靠路边He pulled over and jumped out of the car.
I pulled over to let the ambulance pass.
A police car pulled me over.
[v + adv] [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌpull ˈthrough 🔑ˌpull ˈthrough sth 🔑ˌpull sb ˈthrough 🔑ˌpull sb ˈthrough sth 🔑1. to get better after an illness; to help sb get better after an illness (帮助)康复;(使)痊愈Few people expected him to pull through after the accident.
She has pulled through the operation remarkably well.
He suffered terrible injuries, but his courage pulled him through.
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析pull through
get better ◇ get well ◇ heal up ◇ pull through ◇ recover
These verbs all mean to stop suffering from an illness or injury. 这些动词都表示复原、康复、痊愈。
get better
(of a person or a part of the body) to become healthy again after being ill or hurt (人或身体某个部位)(病后或伤后)复原,痊愈I hope you get better soon. 我希望你很快康复。My wrist is getting better. 我手腕好些了。

get well
(of a person) to recover from an illness (人)(病后)康复,痊愈Get well soon! 祝早日康复!They sent me a get-well card. 他们给我寄来一张明信片,祝我早日康复。

heal up
(of a wound or injury) to become healthy again; to make a wound or injury healthy again (使)(伤口或损伤)愈合The cut healed up without leaving a scar. 伤口愈合了,没留伤疤。
NOTE Heal can be used on its own * heal 可单独使用It took a long time for the wounds to heal. 伤口很长时间才好。

pull through (not formal)
to get better after a serious illness or operation (重病或手术后)康复,痊愈The doctors think she will pull through. 医生认为她会恢复健康的。

(of a person) to become healthy again after being ill or hurt (人)(生病或受伤后)康复,痊愈He's still recovering from his operation. 他手术后还在恢复。Mother and baby are recovering well. 母亲和孩子恢复得很快。 recovery


He made a full recovery. 他完全康复了。

Get well is used especially to talk about the wish or need for sb to recover; it is not used much in the past tense. * get well 尤用于表达对某人康复的祝愿或某人康复的必要性,一般不用于过去时。
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSto recover from sthto gradually recover / get better / heal (up)to completely / partially recover / heal (up)
2. to succeed in doing sth very difficult or in dealing with difficult problems; to help sb do this (帮助)完成(困难的事情);(使)渡过(难关)He’s got his problems at school, but with help he’ll pull through.
It’s going to be tough but we’ll pull through it together.
She relied on her business experience to pull her through.
[v + adv] [v + prep] [v + n/pron + adv] [v + n/pron + prep]
ˌpull sth ˈtoif you pull a door to, you close it or almost close it by pulling it towards you 拉上,关上,带上(门)Pull the door to on your way out.
OBJ door
SYN shut sth

OPP push sth to
[v + n/pron + adv]
ˌpull toˈgetherif a group of people pull together, they act or work together in order to achieve sth 齐心协力;通力合作;万众一心If we all pull together, we’ll finish by Friday.
SYN cooperate, hang together (especially NAmE) , stick together (informal) [v + adv]
ˌpull sth toˈgether1. to make all the different parts of an organization, an activity, etc. work together in a successful way 使(组织等)团结一心;使(行动等)协调一致His inspired leadership pulled the party together.
2. to organize a variety of ideas, etc. in a logical and careful way (有系统地)集中,组合,整合(思想等)This lecture pulls together several recent theories.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌpull yourself toˈgether 🔑to gain control of your feelings and start to act in a calm and sensible way 控制住情绪;恢复镇定She made a great effort to pull herself together.
Stop crying and pull yourself together!
[v + pron + adv]
ˌpull sb/sth ˈunderto make sb/sth become completely covered in water 把…卷进水中He felt the waves pulling him under.
[v + n/pron + adv]
ˌpull ˈup 🔑 (of a vehicle, or its driver 车辆或司机) to stop, especially for a short time 短暂停留;临时停靠He pulled up alongside me at the traffic lights.
A taxi pulled up outside.
SYN draw up[v + adv]
ˌpull sb ˈup1. (on/for sth) (BrE, informal) to criticize sb for sth they have done badly or wrong 训斥;斥责She pulled him up on his untidy handwriting.
I was pulled up for not using the correct procedure.
2. to make sb stop doing or saying sth very suddenly 使突然停住;使愣住The shock of his words pulled me up short.
The expansion of industry was pulled up sharply by an economic crisis.
SYN draw sb up
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌpull sth ˈup 🔑1. to move sth from a lower to a higher position 把…向上拉She pulled her shorts up and put a T-shirt on.
她穿上短裤,套上 T 恤衫。
2. to remove sth from the ground with force (从地里)拔起,拔出Kids had pulled all the shrubs up.
3. (to sth) to bring sth such as a chair closer to sb/sth 把(椅子等)搬到近处;拉近Pull up a chair and sit down.
SYN draw sth up
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
pull your ˈsocks up (BrE) to try to develop a more serious, responsible attitude to your work; to improve your behaviour 端正态度;改善行为He’ll have to pull his socks up if he wants to pass that exam.


an exercise in which you hold onto a high bar above your head and pull yourself up towards it (单杠)引体向上She does 50 pull-ups and 100 sit-ups every morning.
她每天早晨做 50 次引体向上和 100 次仰卧起坐。
ˌpull yourself ˈup1. to move your body into a standing position, especially by holding sth firmly and using force (尤指紧紧抓住某物用力)站起来Julia pulled herself up from the sofa.
pulled myself up to my full height and glared angrily at Dan.
2. to stop doing or saying sth very suddenly 猛然停止;突然打住I started to ask about her family, but pulled myself up sharply when I saw she was getting upset.
SYN draw yourself up[v + pron + adv]
pull yourself up by your (own) ˈbootstraps (informal) to improve your situation yourself, without help from other people 自强不息;自力更生




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