pour /pɔː(r)/ ► SEE ALLpour sth awaypour downpour forthpour forth sth pour inpour into sthpour sth into sthpour sth offpour it on pour outpour sth out●ˌpour sth aˈwayto get rid of a liquid by emptying it out of its container倒掉,倾倒(液体)◆He poured the water away after he finished washing the car. 他洗完车把水倒掉了。[v + n/pron + adv][v + adv + n]●ˈpour downto rain heavily下大雨;大雨如注◆It’s pouring down. 大雨滂沱。◆The rain poured down all weekend. 整个周末都在下暴雨。SYNpelt downNOTEPour is also used on its own, but only with the subject it * pour 也单独使用,但仅和主语 it 连用◆It’s pouring (with rain). 天正下着大雨。[v + adv]▸ˈdownpour
a heavy shower of rain倾盆大雨;滂沱大雨;暴雨●ˌpour ˈforth●ˌpour ˈforth sth (formal) to appear or to produce sth from somewhere in large numbers or amounts涌现;大量产生◆The doors opened and a crowd of people poured forth. 门开了,一群人蜂拥而出。◆He poured forth a stream of bitter accusations. 他连珠炮般提出了一连串严厉指控。[v + adv][v + adv + n]●ˌpour ˈin●ˌpour ˈinto sthto arrive somewhere in large numbers or amounts涌进;(向…)源源而来◆Complaints poured in after last night’s programme. 昨晚节目播出后,投诉纷至沓来。◆Sunlight poured in through the windows. 阳光从窗户倾泻而入。◆Fans were still pouring into the stadium. 球迷继续涌入体育场。SYNflood in, flood into sth[v + adv][v + prep]●ˌpour sth ˈinto sthto provide a large amount of money for sth投入(大量金钱)到;大量投资于◆The council has been pouring money into the area. 议会一直在向这个地区投入大笔资金。[v + n/pron + prep]●ˌpour sth ˈoffto remove some of the liquid from a container, cooking pot, etc. by pouring倒出(容器中的部分液体)◆When the fish is cooked, pour off the water. 鱼煮熟后,把水滗出去。[v + adv + n][v + n/pron + adv]●ˌpour it ˈon (NAmE, informal) 1.(of a team or sports player) to play very well against your opponent, so that you are difficult to defeat(运动队或选手)发挥出色,难以击败◆The Rangers came onto the ice and poured it on from the very beginning. 流浪者队上了冰球场,从开局起便稳操胜券。2.to talk or behave in an exaggerated way in order to impress sb(为引人注目而)言行夸张,表现过火◆She was really pouring it on, making sure he knew she was available. 她一个劲儿卖弄风情,想让他明白她仍待字闺中。[v + it + adv]●ˌpour ˈout🔑●ˌpour sth ˈout🔑1. ( ˌpour ˈout of sth, ˌpour sth ˈout of sth) to come out or to produce sth from somewhere in large amounts or numbers涌出;大量产生◆Black smoke poured out of the engine. 发动机排放出滚滚黑烟。◆People poured out through the gates. 人们涌出大门。◆Factory chimneys poured out smoke. 工厂烟囱喷出了浓烟。2.when feelings or words pour out, or sb pours them out, they are expressed, usually after they have been kept hidden for some time(感情或话语在压抑后)奔涌,迸发;一吐为快◆All her feelings of resentment just came pouring out. 她一股脑儿倾吐出所有的怨恨。◆The whole story then poured out. 接着,事情的来龙去脉被和盘托出。◆He poured out his troubles to me. 他对我倾诉了他的烦恼。[v + adv][v + adv + n][v + pron + adv][v + n + adv] (less frequent) 1also[v + adv + prep][v + n/pron + adv + prep]▸ˈoutpouring
1. [usually plural] a strong and sudden expression of feeling(感情的)倾吐,迸发◆She hated having to listen to his passionate outpourings. 她讨厌听他那热切的表白。2.a large amount of sth produced in a short time涌现◆a remarkable outpouring of scholarship 学术成果的层出不穷