●ˌpop ˈout1. ( ˌpop ˈout of sth) to come out from a place suddenly突然出现;(从…)冒出◆He just popped out from behind a tree. 他冷不丁从树后蹿了出来。◆ (figurative) I didn’t mean to tell them—it just popped out (= I spoke) before I realized. 我不是有意要告诉他们的——我说漏嘴了。◆ (figurative) His eyes nearly popped out of his head (= he was very surprised) when he saw what she was wearing. 看到她的穿着,他吃惊得眼珠子几乎都要瞪出来了。2. (especially BrE) to leave somewhere for a very short time暂时离开◆John’s just popped out to get a newspaper. 约翰刚刚出去取份报纸。[v + adv]1also[v + adv + prep]