

词组 cut
释义 cut /kʌt/
(cutting, cut, cut)
SEE ALLˌcut aˈcross sth1. ( ˌcut ˈthrough sth) to take a short route (a short cut) across a place instead of going around it 抄近路穿过;径直通过We’ll get there quicker if we cut across the fields.
2. to affect or be true for people in different groups that usually remain separate 影响,适用于(不同群体)Opposition to the proposal cuts across party boundaries.
OBJ boundary, division
[v + prep]
ˌcut aˈwayif a television programme or a film/movie cuts away, it shows sth different from what was shown before (电视节目或影片的画面)切换We cut away to a building site, where Carter is searching through the rubble.
[v + adv] ˈcutaway


There was a cutaway to Jackson’s guest on the podium.
ˌcut sth aˈway (from sth) to remove sth by cutting with a knife or a sharp tool (从…)切除,割掉,剪去Cut away any dead branches.
[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv] ˈcutaway


a model or diagram with some outside parts left out, in order to show what the inside looks like 剖面图
ˌcut ˈback (on sth) 🔑1. to reduce sth such as the amount sb spends or produces 减少,缩减(开支或生产)The recession means that everyone is cutting back.
We’ve had to cut back on staff to save money.
2. (especially NAmE) to eat, drink or use less of a particular thing, usually for your health (通常为健康原因)节制,减少(饮食等)I smoke too much. I must cut back.
The doctor’s told me to cut back on red meat.
 see also cut sth back (1), cut down
[v + adv] ˈcutback (in sth)


[usually plural]
a reduction in sth 减少;缩减cutbacks in public spending
ˌcut sth ˈback 🔑1. to reduce sth a lot (大幅)降低,缩减Government funding is being cut back.
We have agreed to cut back CFC emissions by 2020.
我们同意 2020 年前大幅降低氯氟烃的排放。
OBJ production, spending, pollution
SYN pare sth down
(to sth) , pare sth back (to sth)
NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。
 SYNONYMS 同义词辨析cut sth back
axe sth ◇ cut sth back ◇ cut sth down ◇ scale sth back ◇ scale sth down ◇ slash sth
These verbs all mean to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or the size of a business. 这些动词都表示削减、降低、减少,尤指金额或企业规模。 See also bring sth down .
axe sth (BrE) (NAmE usually ax) [often passive]
(used especially in newspapers) to get rid of a service, jobs, etc. in order to save money (尤用于报章)取消,削减,裁减(机构、岗位等)Unprofitable services are to be axed next year. 不盈利的部门明年将被砍掉。250 staff were axed as part of the shake-up. 作为改组的一部分内容,250 名员工被解聘。

cut sth back
to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or business 缩减,降低(尤指金额或业务)We'll have to cut back production. 我们得减产。
NOTE Cut can be used on its own * cut 可单独使用His salary has been cut by 10%. 他被减薪 10%。
It is also possible to use cut back on sth 也可说 cut back on sthWe are trying to cut back on spending. 我们正想方设法削减开支。 cutback


[usually plural]cutbacks in public spending 公共开支的削减

cut sth down
to reduce the size, amount or number of sth 削减,降低(规模、数量或数目)We need to cut the article down to 1 000 words. 我们需要将文章删减至 1 000 字。
NOTE It is also possible to use cut down on sth 也可说 cut down on sthThe doctor told him to cut down on his drinking. 医生嘱咐他少喝酒。

scale sth back (especially NAmE or business 商业)
to reduce sth, especially an amount of money or the size of a business 缩减,降低(尤指金额或企业规模)The IMF has scaled back its growth forecasts. 国际货币基金组织已调低了其经济增长预期。

scale sth down
to reduce the number, size or extent of sth 缩减,降低(数目、规模或幅度)We are thinking of scaling down our training programmes next year. 我们正考虑明年压缩培训项目。

slash sth [often passive]
(used especially in newspapers) to reduce sth by a large amount (尤用于报章)大幅削减,大大降低The workforce has been slashed. 职工总数遭大幅裁减。

Cut is the most general of these verbs. Cut back and scale back are both used especially to talk about money or business. Cut down and scale down are both more general and are used more for talking about things other than money or business. 这些动词中,cut 含义最宽泛。cut back 和 scale back 尤用于指金钱或业务上的缩减。cut down 和 scale down 含义较宽泛,多用于指金钱或业务之外事物的缩减。
PATTERNS AND COLLOCATIONSto cut sth / cut sth back / cut sth down / scale sth down from… / to… / by… to cut sth (back) / cut sth down / scale sth down considerably / significantly / drastically to cut / slash / cut back on / cut down on / scale back spending / production to cut / slash / cut back / axe jobs to cut / slash costs / prices / taxes / the budget
2. to reduce the size of a plant, a bush, etc. by cutting parts off 修剪;截短That rose bush needs cutting back a lot.
OBJ bush, tree
SYN prune sth
[v + adv + n] [v + pron + adv] [v + n + adv] (less frequent)
ˌcut ˈdown (on sth) 🔑1. to reduce the amount or quantity of sth 削减,降低(…的数量)Recycling cuts down on waste.
I’ve spent too much already this month—I’ll have to cut down a bit (= spend less money).
2. to use or buy less of sth 少用;少买The doctor’s told me to cut down on fatty foods.
I haven’t stopped smoking, but I’ve cut down to five a day.
 see also cut sth down (1), cut back
[v + adv]
ˌcut sb ˈdown (formal, BrE) to kill sb 致…死亡;令…殒命He was cut down by pneumonia at an early age.
NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌcut sb/sth ˈdown (NAmE, informal) to make sb feel or look stupid, especially in front of other people 使当众出丑;使出洋相;使丢人现眼He always cuts her down in front of his friends.
She’s always cutting down my lifestyle.
SYN put sb down[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
cut sb down to ˈsizeto show sb that they are not as important as they think they are 让某人有自知之明 ˈcutdown (NAmE) (BrE ˈput-down)


a remark or criticism that is intended to make sb feel or look stupid 令人难堪的话;噎人的话
ˌcut sth ˈdown1. to reduce the amount or quantity of sth 削减,降低(数量)Measures were introduced to cut down the number of road accidents involving children.
The policy aims at cutting down exhaust emissions.
OBJ number, costs, amount
SYN reduce sth
(more formal)
NOTE Cut sth can also be used on its own. Cut sth, not cut sth down is used for reducing the cost or the price of sth * cut sth 也可单独使用。降低成本或价格用 cut sth,而非 cut sth downPetrol / gas prices have been cut.
 see also cut down, cut sth back (1)
  note at cut sth back
2. to make a tree, etc. fall down by cutting it at the base (自根部)砍倒Every time we cut a tree down, we plant a new one.
OBJ tree
SYN chop sth down
, fell sth (more formal)
3. to reduce the length of sth 削减(…的长度);缩短Please cut your article down to 1 000 words.
请把你的文章删节到 1 000 字。
SYN shorten sth (more formal) NOTE Cut sth can also be used on its own with this meaning. * cut sth 单独使用也可作此义。
[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv]
ˌcut ˈin1. (on sb/sth) to interrupt sb/sth 打断(某人讲话或谈话)‘Listen to me!’ she cut in impatiently.
SYN interrupt (sb/sth)  see also cut into sth (2)
2. (on sb/sth) (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或驾驶员) to move suddenly in front of another vehicle in a dangerous way, leaving little space between the two vehicles 超车抢道The lorry cut in (on me) suddenly and I had to brake sharply.
3. (of an engine, a motor or a piece of equipment 发动机、马达或设备) to start working automatically, especially after another source of power has failed (尤指断电后)自行启动,开始运转If the power fails, the generator will cut in.
SYN kick in
4. (NAmE, informal) to push in front of people who have been waiting in a line 插队;加塞儿Someone tried to cut in in front of us.
She saw some friends in line and cut in with them.
SYN push in (BrE)
5. to interrupt a couple who are dancing to start dancing with one of them yourself 打断(正在跳舞的两人以便与其中一人跳舞);抢走舞伴May I cut in?
[v + adv]1 also [v + adv + speech]
ˌcut sb ˈin (on sth) (informal) to include sb in a deal and give them a share of the profits 让…参与并分享利润Do you think we can cut Harris in on the deal?
[v + n/pron + adv]
ˌcut ˈinto sth1. to make a mark, an opening or a wound in sth with a knife or a sharp object 切入;切开口子Make some pencil guidelines before you cut into the wood.
The rope was cutting into her wrists (= because it was very tight).
OBJ cake, meat, etc.
2. to interrupt sth 打断;打扰His voice cut into her thoughts.
OBJ thoughts
3. to begin to use part or too much of sb’s time, sth that belongs to sb else, etc. 开始占用,开始侵占(某人的时间或他人的物品)My work’s cutting into my free time at the moment.
The independent stations are cutting into our audience.
OBJ time
SYN encroach on/upon sth
(more formal)
[v + prep]
ˌcut sb ˈoff 🔑1. to interrupt a telephone conversation by breaking the connection 切断(电话通话线路)Operator, I’ve just been cut off.
NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被动语态。
2. to refuse to let sb have any of your money or property after you die 剥夺…的继承权He cut his son off without a penny.
OBJ son, daughter
SYN disinherit sb
(more formal)
 see also cut sb out, cut sb out of sth
3. to end a relationship with sb because you do not want to see or talk to them any more 同…绝交;与…一刀两断;停止与…来往His family have cut him off since he told them what he’d done.
1 [v + n/pron + adv]2, 3 [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n] (less frequent)
be cut off in your ˈprimeto die suddenly when you are still young, strong and successful 英年早逝;短命
ˌcut sb/sth ˈoff 🔑1. ( ˌcut yourself ˈoff) (from sb/sth) to separate sb/sth/yourself physically or socially from other people or things 使(与…)分离;隔绝(与…)往来His deafness cut him off from his family and friends.
She cut herself off from music after her marriage.
Why has he cut off all contact with his family?
The farm was completely cut off in the snowstorm.
(figurative) Politicians are cut off from the reality of poverty.
SYN isolate sb/sth/yourself (from sb/sth) NOTE Often used in the passive. 常用于被动语态。
2. to interrupt sb when they are speaking 打断(谈话)He cut me off in mid-sentence.
My explanation was abruptly cut off.
3. to stop the supply of gas, water or electricity to sb’s home 停止,中断(煤气、水或电的供应)The gas company threatened to cut them off if they didn’t pay the bill.
The water supply had been cut off.
4. (NAmE) cut sb/sth up A sports car cut me off as I turned into the road.
5. to prevent sb from reaching or leaving a place; to stop sb 切断…的去路;拦截;阻挡Try to cut him off at the traffic lights.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n] ˈcut-off


an act of stopping sth 拦截;阻挡;阻拦
ˌcut sth ˈoffto block or get in the way of sth, etc. 阻碍;阻挡;堵住The police cut off all their escape routes.
The new hotel cuts off our view of the sea.
OBJ route, aid, supplies[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv] ˈcut-off


a point or a limit when you stop sth 截止点;界限a cut-off in aid
What is the cut-off date for registration?
ˌcut sth ˈoff 🔑ˌcut sth ˈoff sth 🔑to remove sth by cutting it with a knife or a sharp tool (从…)切掉,割去,截断He cut off a metre of cloth from the roll.
Mind you don’t cut your fingers off!
She’s had all her hair cut off.
If the photo is too large for the frame, cut a bit off the top.
(figurative) Five seconds has been cut off the world record.
SYN chop sth off, chop sth off sth[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + prep] ˈcut-offs


trousers/pants that have been made shorter by cutting off part of the legs 剪短的裤子;毛边短裤


[only before noun]
cut-off trousers/pants have been made shorter by cutting off part of the legs 裤管剪短的


(especially BrE)
a piece of wood, paper, etc. that remains after the main piece has been cut 下脚料;边角材料
ˌcut yourself ˈoff (from sb/sth) cut sb off (1) ˌcut ˈoutif an engine or a motor cuts out, it suddenly stops working (发动机或马达)突然熄火,停止运转One of the aircraft’s engines cut out.
[v + adv] ˈcut-out


(especially BrE)
a safety device that stops an electric current from flowing through sth (切断电路的)断流器,保险装置A cut-out stops the kettle boiling dry.
ˌcut ˈoutˌcut ˈout of sth (NAmE) 1. (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或驾驶员) to move suddenly sideways out of a line of traffic 突然驶离车流Did you see the way the car in front cut out?
2. (old-fashioned, slang) to leave 离开;走开I’m cutting out (of here). See you later.
[v + adv] [v + adv + prep]
ˌcut sb ˈoutˌcut sb ˈout of sthto not allow sb to be involved in sth 不让…参与(某事)If we deliver the goods ourselves, we can cut out the middleman.
Don’t cut your parents out of your lives!
She cut me out of her will (= refused to let me have any of her money or property after she died).
 see also cut sb off (1)[v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv] [v + n/pron + adv + prep]
ˌcut sth ˈout1. to make sth unnecessary 使变得不必要Cut out some of the administration by computerizing your records.
The new fast train service cuts out the need for a long bus journey.
OBJ need
2. (informal) to stop doing, using or eating sth 停止做(或使用、食用)I’ve cut out sweets to try to lose weight.
OBJ smoking, drink, sweets
3. (informal) to block light or sound 阻挡(光线或声音)That tree in front of the window cuts out the light.
OBJ light, noise
SYN block sth out
4. (informal) used to tell sb to stop doing or saying sth that is annoying you (用于制止恼人的话或事)打住,住口,住手I’m sick of you two arguing—just cut it out!
Now cut out the jokes and pay attention!
OBJ it, that
5. to make sth by cutting 裁剪出;砍出;切出They managed to cut out a path through the jungle.
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌcut sth ˈoutˌcut sth ˈout of sth1. to remove sth you want from sth larger by cutting; to cut the shape of sth from a piece of material, paper, etc. (从…)剪下,切下;裁剪Simply cut out and return the coupon.
She cut the article out of the newspaper.
The children enjoy cutting shapes out of coloured paper.
OBJ article, picture
2. to remove sth bad from sth by cutting 切除(坏的部分)I cut out the bad parts of the apple.
3. (informal) to leave sth out of a piece of writing, etc. 删减,删节(文字等)You can cut out the unimportant details.
SYN omit sth
[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n] [v + n/pron + adv + prep]
have your ˈwork cut out (for you) (formal) to face a difficult task or situation 面临困难的任务(或局面)You’ll have your work cut out to beat him.


a shape cut out of paper, wood, etc. 剪纸;刻出的图样a cardboard cut-out
be ˌcut ˈout for sthbe ˌcut ˈout to do/be sth (informal) to have the qualities and abilities needed for sth 具有…的天分;是…的材料I don’t think I’m cut out for country life.
He’s not cut out to be a politician.
NOTE This phrasal verb is usually used in negative sentences. 这一短语动词通常用于否定句。[be + v + adv + prep] [be + v + adv + to + inf]
ˌcut ˈthrough sth1. cut across sth (1) The path cuts through the wood.
It should be quicker if we cut through town.
2. to pass through sth by cutting 切开;割开;砍开Will this saw cut through metal?
(figurative) The sharp wind cut through his shirt.
(figurative) The pain cut through him like a knife.
3. to overcome a difficulty that is preventing you from making progress 克服(困难);冲破(阻碍)Once you cut through the technical language the report is easy to understand.
The yacht cut smoothly through the waves.
4. to interrupt sth 打断;打扰His voice cut through her thoughts.
[v + prep]
ˌcut sth ˈthrough sthto make a path or passage through sth by cutting 开辟穿越…的小道They had to use their knives to cut a path through the undergrowth.
OBJ path[v + n/pron + prep]
ˌcut ˈup (NAmE, informal) to behave in a noisy, silly way, especially to try and make people laugh 胡闹;卖弄;插科打诨He cut up in class.
[v + adv] ˈcutup


(NAmE, informal)
a person who jokes a lot or behaves in a silly way to make people laugh or to get attention 爱开玩笑的人;插科打诨的人
ˌcut sb ˈup (informal) 1. to injure sb by cutting them with a knife, a piece of glass, etc. 割伤;捅伤;划破He was very badly cut up in the fight.
2. to make sb very emotionally upset 使伤心;使悲痛;使难受She’s still very cut up about the divorce.
NOTE Usually used in the passive. 通常用于被动语态。
1 [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]2 [v + n/pron + adv]
ˌcut sb/sth ˈup (BrE) (NAmE ˌcut sb/sth ˈoff) (of a vehicle or a driver 车辆或驾驶员) to suddenly drive in front of another vehicle in a dangerous way 超车抢道Did you see how he cut me up?
SYN carve sb/sth up (BrE) [v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]
ˌcut sth ˈup 🔑to divide sth into small pieces with a knife or a sharp tool 切碎;剁碎;剪碎Who’s going to cut up the vegetables?
SYN chop sth up[v + n/pron + adv] [v + adv + n]




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